Recent content by Óscar PP

  1. Óscar PP

    Can Overprotection Have Caused My Musical Tinnitus?

    I really don't believe in this "overprotection causing tinnitus" thing at all. I believe it was either the Mirtazapine (it has happened to others) or just completely random.
  2. Óscar PP

    Do We Live in Simulation?

    I'm sure the AI we program in a future simulation will reach to the same conclusion.
  3. Óscar PP

    Do We Live in Simulation?

    We certainly do not live in chaos. The laws of physics bind our tridimensional space-time reality. It even has absolute magnitudes that cannot be surpassed, such as the speed of light in a vacuum or the lowest possible temperature of −273.15 °C.
  4. Óscar PP

    Do We Live in Simulation?

    I recently had a dream (more like a nightmare) where scientists discovered that we were all living in a simulation. Somehow, they managed to access the supercomputer that created it, and they decided to "unplug" it, so to speak, because they thought it would be best for all of us. Before doing...
  5. Óscar PP

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    Why did it take you five years to say that line? Why were you being such a crybaby?
  6. Óscar PP

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    And you'd be the annoying prison guard who constantly bullied the prisoners. Just ignore this thread if you don't like it, pal! (y)
  7. Óscar PP

    Introducing Tinnitus Quest

    Thank you for this initiative (y)
  8. Óscar PP

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    Why do you get so worked up about it? We've all thought at some point of "fantasy" scenarios, as you call them, in which we could decide to stop our tinnitus in exchange for another predicament. It's part of the bargaining stage of grief. By the way, and since you mentioned it, we recently had...
  9. Óscar PP

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    I think they do help portray the extreme pain tinnitus and other ear problems cause to its sufferers. While the medical establishment keeps gaslighting us and telling us it's just a sound, suck it up, and other b***s***, the fact that at the moment, more than 75% of people would take prison...
  10. Óscar PP

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    What would you rather have: - Your tinnitus for the rest of your life - 5 years in a (Western) minimum security prison and no tinnitus from the day you enter prison and never again in your lifetime.
  11. Óscar PP

    How to Get the Quietest MRI Experience?

    Can you wear earmuffs like the one below in an MRI? I thought you couldn't wear any metallic stuff?
  12. Óscar PP


    Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're going through all that. Sounds awful; it reminded me of my time with ME/CFS :( Is Histamine Intolerance the same as MCAS? It sure sounds a lot like it. In that case, I guess you would have already tried mast cell stabilizers and/or blockers, which are more potent...
  13. Óscar PP

    Can Havrix (Hepatitis A Vaccine) Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Do you have any more information regarding those bad stories? Since my tinnitus was brought by a virus, I have to be extra careful, and despite Hepatitis A not being a mandatory vaccine to enter Vietnam, it's not that rare to catch the virus, especially if you eat outside a lot, which I plan to...
  14. Óscar PP

    Can Havrix (Hepatitis A Vaccine) Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I ended up taking Avaxim (different brand) and so far, 6 days later, there is no effect on my tinnitus.