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  • Hi, I read a few of your posts and just wanted to ask you a few questions, if that's ok. How long did you have to take gingko for until you started noticing an improvement?
    Also, my T was never too loud but the thing is that I had a reoccurring infection in my left ear which wasn't treated and now I have this high pitched noise, not too loud but it bothers me when I'm trying to sleep. Will gingko help?
    Arthur, The person you are addressing has not been on this site in a long time, so I'll answer. Ginko has been shown by two studies to have no effect on Tinnitus. I took Ginkgold (made in Germany) for three months, it did nothing. An ENT MD that I visited, who also has tinnitus, said he tried Gingko and it didn't work. My advice is don't waste your money and hope on Gingko, if it worked we'd know about it.
    Hi Luman, I see your point but would highly recommend you try a proper gingko treatment. It has been working for me. Try and get hold of natural gingko, in the UK we can easily find it from companies like A. Vogel, Viridian, Solgar amongst others. Also, vitamin B12, Magnesium and Zinc whilst taking gingko also help. But make sure wahtever you use comes from 100% natural sources, that's paramount.
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