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    Hey Meeruf, thanks for answering and good to hear that everything is going fine! Just one more quick question; how long do does spikes in general last? Kind regards, Tjeerd
    Very hard to answer. Can be anything from 1 second to 2 days.
    Hey Meeruf, I was just reading your article "How to Free Yourself from the Tyranny of Tinnitus. My Journey!" for the third time or something. I have to say I really like your article. It really helped me so far with coping with my own case of tinnitus. Also sensorial. I was just wondering how you are doing at the moment? Still coping well with your tinnitus? Kind regards, Tjeerd
    Hey Tjeerd. I'm still doing fine. I have to admit that T have lowered in volum quite a lot since I made that post you read. I still have spikes tho that can be very loud but I don't really care about it.
    Hei! Jeg lurer på om du kan dele litt av dine erfaringer når det gjelder sudden deafness og tinnitus? Hilsen ei som fikk det for 2 måneder siden
    Du kan legge meg til på Facebook. Heter Thomas Krussedull. Litt lettere å prate der. ^^
    Hi Meeruf! I read your post about the tinnitus clinic where you went to for 4 weeks with great interest. I am suffering from Tinnitus myself, and am consider going there as well. Unfortunately, I just arrived in Norway one year ago, and work in an English-speaking environment. Do you think it is reasonable to go there with only very basic knowledge of Norwegian?
    Have you tried weaning yourself off slowly, using roll-ups and making them slimmer over time? Don't punish yourself if at first you don't succeed..:)
    I don't smoke. I use wet tobacco that you put in your upper lip. :)
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