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  • I had a bad spike (was exposed to loud screaming) that lasted about 2 months but has now fully resolved. I am back to just a very mild hiss
    5+ years after 2nd acoustic trauma. Life has been back to normal for a few years now, I still avoid loud places. T faded 95% to a mild hiss
    JJflyman, if I remember correctly your last acoustic trauma was from an outdoor concert at church. Have you been able to go to church or similar activities? I'm 5 months in, we go and sit in the family room (cry room) and I wear earplugs.
    Concerts, movie theaters and similar are a no go for me. Church (depending on how loud), casinos and gyms are ok if I wear ear plugs. I will always be careful from now on, I never want to go through T again! I think once your ears have been compromised, they are more easily injured again
    Its sad to think our lives are forever altered because of this.
    Hi - thank you for sharing your story! Question - did you ever use sound therapy at night to help you sleep? Like waves or rain played from a phone by your bedside. I'm 2 months in with loud tinnitus after exposure to fire alarm that I had to disable in the house and sleep is a major challenge. Maybe some slight improvement on rare days but really stuck on sleeping.
    Yes, I used a sound machine with rain sounds by my bed to help me sleep, and I had several sound machines around the house running all the time.
    Your T will fade probably fade away in a year or so
    JJ, I just want to say your story and the collection of success stories you posted are an inspiration for me that I revisit often when I'm struggling.
    Thank you for the kind words. I hope you get relief too in time. I can tell you that I continued to see slow improvement even after 3+ years, so as long as you are seeing some improvement, don't give up hope
    I do too, I post them to my bookmark section and they always lift me up on difficult days.
    You mentioned this was your second acoustic trauma. Did you have low level tinnitus before this trauma?
    Did you have any other types of tinnitus? Different sounds?
    My only T was from acoustic trauma. Yes, I had lots of sounds, from high pitched to low hum and hiss. Lots of it was at the same time, but it all went away eventually
    4 years after a serious acoustic trauma causing screaming loud T, it is basically gone, except for a slight hiss that I hardly ever notice.
    Hi jj, did you ever get reactivity (e.g. spiking easily from everyday noise), or was that not a thing for you? Congrats!
    GBB-Yes, it would spike if I was around loud noise, even going for a boat ride would cause it to spike, sometimes for days or even longer. I wore earplugs a lot, even going to restaurants (still wear them if it's getting too loud)). I don't buy into the "over protection" theory.
    I was just wondering what you did to relieve your H? I can't find your posts on this sorry
    There is really nothing you can do except give it time. the H will improve as time goes on, but it may take a year or so.
    Just want to say your story is very inspiring to me. 6 months on from a second acoustic trauma and I am probably about 75-80% better. It was mostly H for me rather than T but the burning, searing pain and fullness has gone away (and been gone since April). Still contending with lingering trigeminal and facial symptoms such as mild facial tension and tightness but this has also continued to improve albeit slowly.
    It took about a full year for my H and ear fullness to go away.
    Loud "sharp" noise like dishes clanking still bother me a little, but nothing compared to what it was. Sounds like you trauma is healing great!
    40 months after acoustic trauma, T went from 9 to a 1. I barely notice my T now. I use what little is left as a reminder to protect my ears
    Jack Straw
    I would suggest making a post in success stories
    Yes I plan on posting a complete story there in the near future
    May I ask you if you had any setbacks on the way? (if we don't count the second acoustic trauma as setback)
    Hi! Do you eat any supplements for your T? And if you do, have you noticed any benefits from them? Also, is there anything that you avoid?
    No supplements, but a lot of caffeine or sodium will make my T worse.
    Good to know. I quit caffeine about two months ago, so no coffee for me.
    I do drink coffee again, one cup a day makes no difference.
    Hey. You said you T is 90% gone. So do you rarely think about it. Do you only hear it in silent rooms? Is it more like ringing or crickets?
    Hey! I don't have tinnitus but because of fireworks (in 2018) I have a blocked and tight feeling around my ears... It's already better than before but it's still there... Have you had this too? I wanted to send you a private message but it's not possible? Thanks in advance! Greetings
    If you don't have any T, I would just give it time, you're ears should eventually heal. If it is a full feeling like your ears need to equalize or pop, you could get a little device called
    Eustachi Eustachian Tube Exerciser. I had great success getting my ears to pop and lose that full feeling using that.
    Hi jjflyman, your posts have given me a lot of hope the last few weeks. I was hoping maybe we could chat about it and you could instill some hope in me or some advice? Thanks, Rose
    You can start a private conversation with me, I'll be happy to chat
    Thanks jjflyman

    There's so much talk on the forum about spikes lasting days or weeks but people rarely talk about months or years which gives people like me (already had T but then must have worsened it following basic piano playing who's now into my 5th week of a spike) a sense of hopelessness.
    Hi jjflyman

    I read with interest your post about how you suffered noise damage on two occassions and it took some time, quite a long time, for it to settle. Can I ask....how long was it before you started to notice the difference and was there anything you did in particular?

    Many thanks....Your post gave me hope.

    It took many months, maybe 6 months before I started to notice any improvement, and then it very slow, only measurable in months, not days or weeks. improvement continues even today, after over 2 years. I can still hear a slight hiss, but it doesn't bother me and it still is fading.
    I never took anything for my T, just protected my ears from noise and gave it time.
    Hy man! I'm nearing my 12 month mark. My H is gone but I have really good days of T and some bothersome days. Did yours fluctuate like that? I have a pretty normal life now, just don't go to clubs, never liked them anyway. And I have very high frequency hearing loss on left ear (hidden hearing loss, sounds not as crisp as other ear)
    Yes mine fluctuated, and still does. I actually had a big spike 10 days ago from going boating, but the spike has decreased 75% already. I read 2 success stories recently one took 2 1/2 years to fade, another took 3 years. So, it takes lots of time.
    Santiago, what does your audiogram look like? Do you have a huge drop?
    Hi jjflyman,

    Since the onset of my T, i have improvements and setbacks (the trend is it continues to improve (fews seconds i don't have T- T is more and more lower), my T is very reactive to the noise, but i don't want overprotect me, for avoid sensitives ears, do you have counsel for me please?
    How are you doing man?
    Well, my small "spike" is gone and I am back to mild/very mild T. it is still getting better, but slow. It's been 21 months now
    How you been? Is your T still fading.
    Continuing to slowly fade. I would say it has faded close to 95% so far. I am hoping for a full recovery by the 2 year mark.
    You are very lucky. I am suffering even more then I did a few months ago. Each month is worse. I hardly sleep anymore. High BP.
    @dpdx are you taking medication to calm yourself to sleep? maybe you should
    I am also reaching my 1 year mark in September. I have not seen any improvement at all.
    Any update?
    I know at 7 months in I was still a basket case with loud T, especially at night when I was tired. Is it better in the mornings? Are you taking any supplements? Sometimes they can actually cause the T to get louder. I know turmeric made mine go through the roof at night.
    Don't give up hope
    I will keep praying for you (and for all people who suffer from this)
    Nope just vitamins. I also have severe H. I didnt have severe H before ear tests. I am wondering if its TMJ caused or the ear tests caused it. Before ear tests my T was mild after that it is severe
    I am not doing good. I will be 1 year in with T in September. my T is a loud screeching/high pitched dentist drill that covers 90% of things (tv, peoples voices, faucets running full blast). I am seriously getting scared that it wont get better.
    Hi jjflyman, I would really appreciate your input! I'm a indoor cycling instructor for the past 4 years. I taught a class in Dec. and then came home and hours later I had intense burst of tinnitus, hyperacusis, and ear fullness. Predisone completely cured it but shortly returned. Its been over 4 months and the ringing has not gotten any lower. Do you think my tinnitus will fade and heal completely?
    exercise classes can get very loud with the music and the instructions. My wife and I always wear earplugs at the gym now. IMO you need to protect your ears from loud noise and let them heal. Most likely your T will fade over time,(maybe even to zero), but it will take up to 2 years
    Cases like yours are my only hope

    Got tinnitus 6 weeks ago and since then it has been hell...

    Since week three or so I notice I get T free momenta during the night but when I wake up immediatly it builds up and gets loud as the surounding noises begin.... Im talking about 30db instead of 25 during the night...

    Did you experienced this? It is so sensitive to noise...

    Also at work I have 40-50db...
    Yes, T is hell, nobody can understand except others who have suffered with it. Yes, my T was sensitive to noise to the point it would cause my ears to hurt. I had screaming T that was so loud I could hear it over everything. Please give it time to heal and fade, but it will be very slow to fade and might take 1-2 years.

    Did you ever got distorted earing....

    Like when you are hearing rumning water also listening a little hiss bip bip bip bip...
    No, I never had any hearing distortion or lost any hearing.
    Hey @jjflyman , when your T first went away, do you remember if you had any semblance of the sound - when you were stressed, working out etc? (if you plugged your ears for example)
    My first T completely faded away. After aprox 2 years, I could not hear it even with foam earplugs in, exercising, or stressed. It went totally away. I may have had a slight hiss when plugging them but everyone has that just from putting years of life on your ears
    Oh man if mine went away like that I would be the happiest man in the world
    Still slowly fading, I am going to take a break from TT for a few months. I hope to come back this summer and post my success story.
    Set back is kicking my butt. It has somewhat improved over the last 3 weeks but I'm not back to where I was before the party. I can't sleep cuz my T wakes me uplouder than ever but than fades (wasn't a problem before). Luckily now during the day I can only hear it in quiet room and can usually mask it. Hope was in sight before setback but now I'm discouraged and worried. Do set backs take a long time to recover from?
    Ear dmg in general is impossible/hard to recover from so if it does, it'll take longer and be that much more susceptible.

    Welcome to the setback club btw.
    16 month in and still fading. I'm starting to believe it will fade completely . mostly don't notice it unless I am in a very quiet place.
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