Chad Lawton

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  • Hi Chad, I have come across your story after trying for a month to somehow correlate Floaters and Tinnitus. I have exactly same symptoms. I first got Tinnitus and then floaters. Good to know that meditation and exercise helps over time. How are your floaters now?
    Chad Lawton
    Floaters are the same little to no improvement but they don't bother me all that much.
    Audiologist tells me it will go away but could take several months. I don't take meds, eat super healthy but still have worry. Do u ever think yours will go away or wonder why it didn't?
    Chad Lawton
    I think it could go away someday as its our reaction to it that determines whether it sticks around. The more you stress about it, the more likely it is to stay. Train your brain to treat it as a threat and it will continue to monitor it.
    Chad Lawton
    Train your brain to treat it as a friend and it fades away. Don't worry about it because what good will that do you? Worrying won't change the fact you have it. Treat it as an "Oh Well" and life is good.
    I acquired it from a high pitch noise created from a vacuum. It has fluctuated quite a bit. I'm currently in a month and half. There were several times I thought it was almost gone. But I have this static noise/sensation and the ringing really only happens on top of certain noises… like car running, shower, wind blowing.
    Hi Chad. I have read your story and was interested in your tinnitus and how it has been for you
    Chad Lawton
    Hey, I've been getting along. Its softened considerably since I first got it. I've found meditation & exercise does the most good for it. I classically conditioned my brain to react to hearing it with anxiety and meditation helps the most to change my relationship to it.
    Chad Lawton
    I notice that is the common theme amongst those who habituate to it, they tend to talk in their posts about how they stopped seeing it as a threat and more as an old friend over time. How about yours?
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