New Guy


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  • Just had fleeting t episode, only lasted about 5-10 seconds but it immediately made me think of everyone here. Hope you're all doing well!
    I scored a two packs (of 2) of paper towels today!!! I almost cried when Cuomo said we're through the worst today, if we're careful.
    Checking in with my friends. Hope everyone ok and socially distancing. Not getting quieter but getting used to it and hoping it will.
    Yin and Yang. The balance of the cats.
    You KNOW someone's at a good place with their tinnitus when they can manoeuvre two cats into a Yin and Yang sign for a profile photo.

    Switch your mood to "Balanced" good sir, you've earnt it.
    The t on only my left side is screaming today. I think I drove for about an hour and a half with the earplug inserted wrong. Darn it!
    New Guy
    I use Hearos skin-colored and I do ok with my right ear but my left ear canal is small or at a wonky angle and I rarely get that one right.
    Make sure to pull your ear up with your other hand to straighten the canal and allow the plug to go into place properly. If I use foam I roll them up tightly in my fingers, pull the ear up and insert it, then hold it in the ear by placing my finger over the end until it's fully expanded.
    New Guy
    I'll try pulling up, I've been pulling out but with no luck.
    I'm jealos when people post after weeks, to a month, of thier t improving. I'm happy it's getting better but wish it was me. #Patience
    Replaced sensor on the car and the horn to start honking in emergency mode right away. Doh! Covered and got away fast. So far doing ok.
    Bill Bauer
    Let's hope for the best.
    New Guy
    So far so good Bill. It was only about 15-20 seconds and my ears have definitely become less sensitive. It's out of my mind unless I wake up and notice a change.
    Changed the starter in my wife's car using hand tools over the weekend. Getting back to things I love. The t was there, I barely noticed.
    I'm not a big concert guy but I see Bryan Adams is going to be touring nearby. That would have been fun to see when I didn't know better.
    Our garbage can swings open. One of the kittens got in when I wasn't looking. Few minutes later the bin started shaking. :) Silly Kitty!
    Bill Bauer
    When I read the first sentence, I thought it was the start of a horror story about a serious T spike. I am glad that it turned out to be a story about a silly kitty instead!
    Smelly cat, smelly cat... *sings in phoebe*
    Air Conditioner Season Baby!!! It's like the world has built in masking.
    never thought I'd be so elated to hear (such a random) sound? Tinnitus has really changed my perspective on airconditioners haha
    New Guy
    I'm so glad we don't have central air. It would be too quiet. :)
    YouTube is nailing it with recommended videos. They've got my taste in music and keep playing favorites. Long live 80's pop hits!
    While we feel like we're the only ones who hear a ringing has it ever occurred to you that everone here hears ringing. Sometimes I forget.
    I can tell you for sure that I had complete silence before chronic T, cause I always slept in a silent room with ear plugs and I heard silence.
    Honestly I dont even know if I ever heard true silence, at least I dont remember. I think I did because this ringing was never a problem before. It just came out nowhere for me.
    Sorry to say, but it's not true. I didn't have ringing in my pre T life. Well, except for the occassional fleeting T, which everyone does get.
    Over the weekend met woman with t (not sure the cause), her son has t (veteran). Today learned my dental hygienist has t (clenching teeth).
    my optometrist has t as well, its slightly comforting (not fortunate) knowing that a majority of people share this, and typically seem normal
    New Guy
    I agree siren. I'm not happy when I meet someone with t but I say to myself if they can do it why can't I.
    Had some tree work done today. The chainsaws weren't bad, from a distance with plugs and muffs, but holy cow are chippers loud!
    Had a dream last night I was buying a chainsaw. It was a nice Stihl 056 or 066. When I got to the counter I decided not to buy it. Sigh.
    Went for a jog and listened to the sound of the t going up and down with each step. I acknowledged it and moved on. Man I'm out of shape!
    Yep,familiar with that sensation! Annoying added extra to the daily run. Can't let it stop you on your path to athletic glory!
    Mine does that too when I run! It's sooo annoying. Well done for running. Btw I find mine is a lot worse for a few hrs after too.
    New Guy
    Luckily no worse after and OMG I need to exercise more.
    After visiting Dunkin' Donuts this morning I realized the music in the store makes my ears feel full. It's louder than I thought. Bummer!
    Last night I got my ear plugs inserted properly for the first time since I got t 10 months ago. Now that's what I call progress!
    New Guy
    I got a box of 100 off Amazon. They're skin color so they blend in better. I thought I had the trick down but next time I tried I was back to step one.
    you might consider buying plastic/silicon ones ;)
    New Guy
    I'll have a look. Thanks!
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