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  • It's like, the age old quote: people only care about bloodshed when it's their blood, and their shed
    It would be somewhat better if I could prove that I have T. I feel like people don't believe me when I tell them
    wait actually i was worried about this spike then i remembered i'm taking antibiotics lol
    y'know while i do miss silence above that i miss wearing my earbuds/headphones.
    miss riding the bus to college & gazing out the window while whatever artist crooned into my ears. i hope to experience that again
    i remember people saying stuff about 2020 looking good for t sufferers & i hope! their words have some merit? or as i'm remembering anyway
    little did i fuckin know, huh?
    sometimes it gets so loud in the middle of the night but i'm exhausted so i just go back to sleep lmao
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