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  • I was diagnosed with bruxism by my dentists. I also have a mild TMJ due to clenching my teeth. I am on my way to recovery!
    Finally all of these symptoms make sense. I have been dealing with weird sensations and aches all over my head and face affecting my ears, cheeks and face. Getting my night splints next week and started facial massage and jaw exercises. I will take a time off from here. See you later. Cheers!
    Oh boy. I have basically been sick since start of this year. I hope fever does not go up much so I can make it to the ENT tomorrow.
    I have been dealing with sinus issues lately. Pain and pressure feeling but no congestion. Going to see ENT for some medicine.
    Anybody got any experience of these kind of medicines? I was planning to ask Duact (Pseudoephedrine& Acrivastine) oral pills and Nasonex (Mometasone) nasal spray.
    I gave up my dream to become a doctor. It has been too stressful studying for the entrance thus making my T worse.
    I have thought of pursuing bio medicine and tissue technology (stem cells). Could I give something meaningful for the field of regenerative medicine? I am just a one little person...
    I think last night for the first time ever in my life I experienced short pulsatile tinnitus in my right due to anxiety. My heart was racing
    Now that I have calmed down from weeks of literally losing my mind I can't hear that pulsating sound in my right ear anymore.
    lmao i really like your profile picture
    Well thank you As an electrical engineering student there is no better profile picture than Nikola Tesla!
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