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  • I keep on improving every day a little bit, dont lose hope, but be willing to fight every day.
    We gotta fight, for our right... To par-Tiiiiiiiiiiii
    Sitting in my living room, no noises, laying in bed, they are there. Confusing!
    Bob den Hartog
    Does this mean, in general: sitting up gives less T than lying down? Because that should point towards a TMJ kinda thingy?
    @Bob den Hartog I am also noticed my T changes according how I sit etc. But why because I damaged my hearing by listening music? Small inflammation in ear? This is stange.
    Ya, it is quite confusing. it´s just weird that it would be triggered by laying down in an MRI and the noise there. Then again, I had many MRI and never anything bad happened, some were even louder.
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