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  • Hi Thomas,
    I went to the dr today and he prescribed a vasodilator drop taken twice a day. Was one of your supplements a vasodilator?

    Thank you,
    Hi Thomas. What foods/meal ideas do you recommend eating with the Zinc at lunch time? I am taking Solgar 22mg Zinc Picolinate. I will also be taking NAC 2x600mg (once in morning on empty stomach, once mid-day). Any other recommendations? I have ototoxic tinnitus (Lexapro). Thanks so much!
    Hey can I take tebonin aka ginkgo and NAC at the same time?
    Yep thats ok. The two work well together in fact. Ginko first then NAC an hour or two later.
    I got it off a party drug called mdma and I still have it to test exactly what's in it..... my question to you is if your tinnitus fluctuated? Mine is relentlessly one tone
    Hi, sorry for the late reply, been working 12+ hour days everyday. I don't know much about MDMA so I can really say how it causes T. I'd have to look into it. My T fluctuates like crazy because its blood flow related, too much salt it changes pitch within an hour.
    Hey Thomas I really need your help I'm on the verge of letting go and I got tinnitus by medication and wondered what supplements I can take to relieve or maybe cure my tinnitus, my tinnitus is severe and need you help so please find somewhere in your heart to write back to me and help me ASAP
    hi! I don't see any message from you in my inbox. it depends what medication you took? There are lots of ways medication can cause Tinnitus.
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