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  • Humming 95% gone!Still have my normal ringing. But GF left me after 7 years because of my depression/suicidal thoughts that i had (humming).
    From 13Dec. till 10Jan. it was constant. It had the classic features: stopped when some talked etc. Then i mostly only had it when i woke up from sleep for 2-5min. Now for a week its gone. Humming for me is way harder, than the classic eeeeeeee.
    What i take since the onset: Magnesium Glycinate, NAC, Kurkuma, Alpha-Lipon-Acid, Lipo flavonoid.
    I agree, classic tinnitus doesn't make any sense at all, let alone the horrible humming.

    Thanks for letting me know about the supplements you used, I may try those cuz unfortunately, sometimes I still hear some intermittent bass which I'm pretty sure its associated with the humming.
    This humming drone maybe killing me!
    When the humming was at its peak my head felt the vibrations I would look at my kids and say I'm gonna beat this for them keep fighting it man eventually it'll lose its power over you
    On 11th Jan. the hum started to fade to 1/10, next day to 0,5/10, then 0/10, now today its 2/10. Before that it was constant raging since 13th Dec. I hope it stays low or fades to zero.
    If it's fading that's a sign that it won't be forever :)
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