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  • does fluid in the ear have a chance of getting better. I am 3 months in and still have it constant but have seen quite a bit of improvment
    my ear still feels full hoping to book and appointment with the ENT soon
    Bill Bauer
    Your T is very new and there is still hope that it will eventually fade.

    Be careful! Some of the hearing tests can CAUSE TINNITUS or a huge increase in the volume of tinnitus:


    I believe my tinnitus was caused by a Tympanometry test. My tinnitus turned on in the evening on the day when I had had those hearing tests done.
    Can T from fluid in the ear recover. Im in week 8 there has been improvments it nw a hiss still annoying in quiet environments.
    Thank you for your reply. i feel like it has a good chance of fading and going away but improvments have bene slow lately and my ENt app is over the phone
    I feel like no on reports T from fluid in the ear because i assume they do eventually get better
    However my t still fluctuates is that normal although it has gone now its still V annoying esp when i am doing nothing and when it comes out from the head its so annoiyn
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