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  • Regenerative therapies OTO-413,FX-322,what should never have failed, failed.Hope flew through the air, there is only suffering.
    lol, @ZFire you sound exactly like my partner.
    As Warren Buffett also recently stated, of comparing AI to the creation of an atomic bomb. Aside to that depressing thought, I wondered if UoTX's specific MRI modality would be capable to measure T waves?
    I cried a little when I read the results
    Thank you @Damocles give us hope, I read a publication of yours in ehich i think you said that it got better, was it?
    I've been coping well with it since then though. I'm able to work and study despite the noise, and have almost completed an intensive college course this year.

    Will probably be going to university this summer.
    Which means it hasn't killed me and I'm achieving my goals.

    Not to mention there are the Auricle device and the Xen pills coming in the near future.
    So don't worry @JPGL. You will make it through this, I promise.
    Hello @Nadia231 i sorry for the delay suffering a lot no i am not well at all getting worse this is terrible.how are you i hope you are well
    Same... I'm really struggling, it gets worse for no reason the T is so loud and the H doesn't let me do anything.
    @JPGL and @Nadia231 I'm in the same boat, really suffering today. I hope we can break this cycle of worsening. I could manage much better with stable tinnitus and H. Has your condition changed? And has anything at all helped?
    @Theezy I have been struggling since I got ear fullness and a T spike out of no where while at work 2 months ago. Then the H got so bad I can't even do things at home. I'm off work and suffering
    Noticeable peak very intrusive tinnitus for no apparent reason last night i have not slept all night,very desperate.
    Did you wake up to this intrusive tinnitus? Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, my tinnitus will be blaring loud for 30 minutes or so
    Thanks @ZFire and sorry for my late reply, yes the nights are difficult , and yes,i also wake up in the middle of the night with a horrible tinnitus .i don,t know why it increases, i mask it with sounds of water,rain.... i would give anything not to have this.
    @JPGL how are you?? Any improvements? My T and H spikes as well for no reason. I doesn't matter if I protect my ears or not.. It just keeps worsening
    No sleep tinnitus relentless and hellish suicidal. Anyone else here? What is the closest treatment we have? I need hope.
    When will there be a treatment,or better a cure?because they don,t release FX 322 and OTO 413 they would do the world a favor.
    until when are we going to be without a treatment for tinnitus-hearing loss ?.They move very slowly.This is insaneThey move very slowly.
    Fellow tinnitus sufferers,there is a drug available called Etenercep Enbrel it is a TNF-ALFA blocker has anyone tried it for tinnitus?????
    Hi, JPGL! How are you? May I ask..how does your t sound? Is reactive, just in the ears, can you mask it? Thank you!
    ¿Cómo eres mi amigo?
    Thanks for asking getting worse,loud noise for no reason the nights are very difficult, hoping for something that will help us, a lot of strength to all, thanks friend.
    2022 So many treatments that are on the way will any come out this year?We just have to wait with this disorder insufferable almost nothing
    una enfermedad cronica incurable,bastante incapacitante casi todos los dias abriendo este foro y no hay nada
    Há algo aqui. Argumento trivial e insultos. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Este foro es más bien para darnos apoyo. Desgraciadamente no hay solución para esta tortura. Ánimo!
    A drug that regenerates the cranial nerves and myelin will also be necessary, does anyone know if it is currently in trials ?
    lo más cercano que tenemos a la regeneración de los nervios son las células madre.
    Sin poder dormir,torturador sonido horrible incesante empeorando de la nada,me parece el peor tinnitus del mundo ¿alguien mas se siente asi?
    Ela Stefan
    Me.All the time...can understand well your language..from telenovelas...I dont know that much to use it on writing. Whish I could give promises.....I used to think anything is possible in this world if you really want..and then some..
    Tinnitus incesante se siente horrible en los oidos con falta de sueño gracias a esta mierda de condicion haciendo la vida muy dificil
    Me quedo con lo bueno que esta por llegar; terapias de regeneracion auditiva,
    Si, estamos esperando para lograr el éxito de los tratamientos.
    Hola @JPGL,¿Por cuanto tiempo tiene su auditiva tinnitus?
    Hola twa,son ya 5 años resistiendo,noches sin dormir,torturado noche y dia por el sonido,me anima a seguir que algo llegara en el horizonte o que tal vez llegue el día que se mitigue o habitue.
    Lo siento mucho, es muy dificil.
    Cuando habrá una cura tratamiento para la perdida auditiva-tinnitus.Que estemos huérfanos de tratamientos-medicamentos es inadmisible.
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