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  • I am currently at my tipping point and would do ANYTHING for the constant worsening of my tinnitus. New tones every week. I saw your post about the dentist and i am in so much pain, that i will try this. If this is the beginning of a better future, i definitely owe you something, George.
    @Aschenherz I hope that you find relief. We have to get to a place of calm and envisioning healing. There are many ways to do this but positive affirmations is one of them along with mindfullness, CBT, etc.
    I talk to myself every day: "my brain can ignore these sounds and this pain, they cannot hurt me, I have control over these perceptions. I will have a better day today because my brain will rewire away from these threats and make them a lower priority."
    your posts are really an addition to this forum. You are such a strong individual. Thank you for being here.
    I am glad that my posts have been helpful, that's why I write them. Thank you for telling me this.
    Hey man, how long did it take you to go from tinnitus onset to the "I don't care about it" phase even though you haven't habituated (you can still hear it)? Do you think you other afflictions make you care less about any new one that you acquire?
    Like that scene in the Blues Brothers where the little apartment is right next to the elevated train tracks. Well before Carrie Fisher blew it up anyhow.
    These spikes are not really caused by something, the only thing I can think of is stress. It's basically just the brain amplifying the signal in the middle of the night, as it's monitoring for sound stimulus. The only way to go down is by focusing our attention somewhere else like you describe; problem is at 4 in the morning while being sleepy it's hard to shake it off. So it gets magnified. .
    I guess it's something to work on, try different things to take your attention off of it.
    Hello George, hope you are doing well! I saw a few posts of yours talking about MRI machines and which are the quietest! I'm in the same boat and have been researching like crazy! Do you think the Canon Vantage Galan 3T or the Canon Vantage Orian 1.5T is quieter? Also, have you gone through with the MRI and if so, what was your experience like?
    I don't know about the difference in noise level between those two canon machines but what I do know is that 1.5T machines are generally quieter than 3T machines and in one study it was 105db vs 128db across all sequences which is a significant difference in loudness. In another study the noisiest sequences were 101-117db vs 122-131db.
    @NoelleMargaret I just realized that I did not answer the second part of your question. No I did not get the MRI, my treatment center would not coordinate with the location with the Canon machine.
    Hi George,

    I have read some of your positive posts which I appreciate.

    Can you suggest a natural strategy for insomnia? I can fall asleep (around 8-9) but wake two hours later, awake for an hour then asleep for two hours.

    @bigfoot insomnia can come from so many things and I have experienced most of them. First foods. Don't eat past 9 PM, don't eat heavy spicy meals, sugar or alcohol in the evening. exercise routinely but not too late. Turn off all mobile device screens at night, no tv in the bedroom. Cooler bedroom temps, some people sleep better with a weighted blanket. Go to bed before midnight, same time every night.
    Try daily relaxation techniques to quiet your mind like meditation or yoga. Take a daily high quality magnesium supplement. Some people have luck with supplements such as melatonin, valerian, chamomile.Don't watch the news, stay away from toxic people, spend time with good friends and loved ones. Good luck.
    Watch for medicines that rev you up like no steroids after 4pm, etc.No coffee after XPM
    Hey, George! I've been lurking on TinnitusTalk for some time, but I've decided to be braver and get involved more.

    I just wanted to personally comment on your profile that you have helped me a lot when it came to times when I was emotionally distraught. You're a beacon of perseverance for everyone here, and I'm praying for you to find good health.

    Keep being extraordinary!
    @LostSpartan Thank you for those kind words, I am glad that sharing my story has brought you some comfort and inspiration. You have more strength than you know. Have passion for what you want in life. All the best.
    wonderful wife when neither of us had cancer and had not a care in the world, or on top of the world as it were here.
    Well mind you this was 2004 when I was still new and shiny so I am cheating time a little with this photo.
    We are all sort of cheating on social media :)
    Yes but then entire communities of previously unrelated people are brought together like this
    3/3: For the record your message clearly helped a great deal of people in that thread feel better, and that can only be a good thing.
    Thank you for taking the time to tell me this. Use your powers for good young Skywalker, you posses many useful skills.
    2/3: at what I feel has been the "playing down" of our condition and the lack of understanding given to severe sufferers anger at success stories which sometimes do this. I can see you get this, and I appreciate that you are the kind of individual who can empathise even with the person attacking you, as you did me.
    1/3: @GeorgeLG, please accept my apology for attacking your post in the Suicidal thread this week. I'd like you to understand this was not because I have a problem with you, it was more, you happened to be the 1000th (un)lucky caller who took the brunt of my frustration
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