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  • Prayers for healing and compassion for all people and animals suffering around the globe. May answers and help come about as if by miracle
    To all praying people let's say a prayer of healing for each other every night. I'm starting tonite. Please lmk if you start feeling better
    When the T is light (level 4 ish) I stay up late & jump on here. First time in months.
    Same. Except I'm usually working on a college project in tandem with reading/writing posts.
    volunteer mentor on MayoClinic site said Lenire Neuromod got FDA approval. "Bimodal neuromodulation significantly reduces tinnitus" HOPEFUL
    Hearing aid in worse impaired R ear doesnt cover loud tinnitus.i can hear ok w/left ear.I'm going to buy them & use as needed.
    What I learned about hearing aids.I have 'brown noise' mixed in on 1 setting. As long as T is 8 or under it does disguise it some.
    Hoping someone sees this. We had cold torrential rain for a couple days. I tried to sleep as much as I could the 1st day T was almost 10.
    Would you rather be alone with your T running loud or have some company i.e. a spouse who's not really 'around?
    Staying strong but isolating a lot since early Dec. does anyone recommend an antidepressant?
    Definitely do some research regarding different antidepressants especially with tinnitus. Some people they help greatly and with others it can be the opposite. Talk with your Dr too.
    Imipramine helps me sleep better. Well that's something I guess :-|
    Saw new AuD in Dec, a tinnitus specialist. get new hearing aids & begin T retraining therapy mid Feb. T is all across my whole head
    @Joe Cuber unfortunately not lately it's pretty constant. I'm teetering on the edge mentally but hanging
    We should all be so lucky to have an Audiologist as determined as my new one!
    Thanks @Joe Cuber . Still using loaners. Getting my own ReSound rechargeables in May. The training is like she talks about how she's hoping to program them so I have settings to meet the needs. I haven't been wearing them on (amazing, fantastic) light days or using the L one because I can hear on that side. Idk if that's right or wrong. at this point im just trying to hang in. Good luck everybody.
    Btw. Does @Hazel ever comment on here? Is anyone here besides us just trying to support each other virtually?
    Hey there, welcome to this community! You can use the search function to see all my comments over the years.

    I volunteer a lot of my time to help this community (next to a full-time day job) by: 1) maintaining and improving this website; 2) creating the Tinnitus Talk Podcast; 3) working on tinnitus research projects; 4) doing a lot of admin work for Tinnitus Hub (our non-profit).
    I would love to spend more time directly engaging with the community, but next to all the tasks and projects mentioned above, a busy day job, and other life responsibilities, I have to prioritize. I always wish I could do more for the comunity, it's a source of constant frustration for me :(
    To anyone who gets a day off: do you feel more deaf when the T is lower? Also do certain sounds seem to ramp up your hyperacusis?
    Husband has taken up harmonica learning via YouTube. Omg some of those notes are piercing. Good ol cotton balls stuffed in ears
    Monday=2. Tuesday=8. Today= 2. Go figure ?
    Ouu level 2 is great! Do you have those days often? I would say I'm at a 3 right now which I haven't been at in like 5/6 weeks except for the last 5 days and it's been amazing.
    @SamRosemary I went a couple years with no breaks then I got 2 and 3 days off last May. I thought it was over. Nope. Since then I get a break hopefully once a week right about when I'm at wits end. So very happy for your 5 day day break :-) !
    @martinberryhorse how I wake up pretty much dictates the rest of the altho it may get a bit louder towards end of day . Never goes down during the day.
    Hello, I saw your post on @MaxRabbit's profile. Do you need help figuring out appropriate earplugs? I can help you out if you would like.
    Ty@kingsfan. I like the colorful earplugs singers wear. Must be a way to go from conversation to singing somehow control what comes in & out (?) I want to get out & sing some but the electric noise is so loud
    My new audiologist recommends Mumbo earplugs she gets from Amazon
    I'm feeling like it's Devine intervention when I hit the wall for a couple days then get a day of relief.
    Hello is there anybody out there??Has Anybody read anything new re a cure or breakthrough? Please share. It's been a tough week.Best to all
    Nothing so far, OTO was a big dissapoiment and had high hopes. I'm waiting on Susan Shore device.
    Does anyone notice a correlation with weather and loudness of T? Also stuffing cotton in my ears helps a little with hypercusis lately.
    @NYGuy you've been on here awhile ty for keeping up w/me. I hope u r well
    I'm being interviewed for the Ebselen clinical trial on 9/15.
    @Joe Cuber : Ebselen (SPI-1005) for people with Menieres syndrome and tinnitus. Menieres is inner ear F up & causes Hyperacusis, tinnitus & for many poor souls, vertigo. I only have 2 out of 3.
    Ebselen (SPI-1005), It is being investigated as a possible treatment for tinnitus & other things. You have to have Menieres which I do
    I'm up all nite as some may notice. It's like some nites I'm jazzed up on something but it sure ain't drugs or alcohol.
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