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  • As of October 2022, is Neosensory still helping you and do you still consider it a worthwhile therapy? After reading several of your posts, you come across as level-headed and trustworthy and your opinion would be valuable to me.
    I admire your positive attitude. I have to remind myself that tinnitus / hyperacusis are more manageable when one's mind set is positive.

    I'm in the process of making a decision regarding Neosensory. It's not cheap, and I already spent $4000 on Neuromonics back in 2007, back when my condition was less severe. I would celebrate if I could go back to the 2007 level.
    Blix M. Paraglot
    Transcendental Meditation, sorry. When I was able to get some sleep again, I started meditating again, and that helped everything, including the tinnitus. Even with my tinnitus and hyperacusis more severe than they were fifteen years ago, I still practice TM daily. Nothing takes the edge off tinnitus as effectively as meditation, in my experience.
    Forever hopeful
    @Blix M. Paraglot,
    I'm terrible at meditation. I might be the biggest funky at meditation ever. And I know it would help me.
    Blix M. Paraglot
    Everybody is terrible at meditation, including me. :) I just decided to do it anyway because it helps me. I used to judge myself for not doing it right. Now I don't worry about it.
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