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  • About to go on a 2 hour flight, taken NAC, experimenting with foam earplugs and Bose QC45 ANC headphones! Let's see how it goes.
    Quick note - yes to the NAC, no to the headphones. Spiked the tonal tinnitus.
    I've just been on a business trip for 3 days involving flights, lunches and dinners. Managed it okay with strategic protection. Have hope!
    Yo man, how are you? Been a minute since I last saw your thread, hope everything's OK?
    Hey @tiniturk I'm doing okay, thanks for asking! The spike went down (or I adjusted, hard to tell nowadays?). Currently about to board a flight so we'll see how that goes...

    Hope all is good with you!
    Woah my tonal tinnitus (non-somatic) just ramped-up! This is another level
    Sorry to hear that @Joe Cuber! Hope things have improved! It must be very difficult dealing with other ailments in addition to tinnitus. My health other than the tinnitus/VSS is fortunately well, I'm exercising regularly, sleeping okay and eating well (mostly). Right now I'm having problems with my family not really understanding it, but I understand it must be hard looking in on it all. Stay strong! :)
    Ah good to hear @Joe Cuber! It is indeed unfortunately, especially with things like VSS. I have been adjusting to it so it doesn't bother me too much now, but my night vision is practically non-existent which can be annoying!
    Indeed it is @Joe Cuber, but I'm getting used to it. Not sure it is improving per se, more that my brain filters it out more as I get used to it. Stress/alcohol/lack of sleep (usual culprits) seems to make it worse. I figure I'm not blind (yet) so may as well live life.
    Tinnitus and visual snow are at an all-time high. Life is starting to chafe my soul but I will not break. Kick life in the teeth.
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