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  • healthy food . Vegetables, fish, soups, salads, good meat. Eat up, give your body sustenance, it should help your nervous system
    I heard I have to mash everything up now. What about chicken or potatoes
    Can you give me an example list
    Why us it that all I read on here is negative and scary about tinnitis.
    Research will not progress if people are forced to act fake. The "negatives" ARE -trying- their best with also different dissociating strategies; habituation. TT is a support forum that allows those to be -straightforward- to this very nasty condition; negative, sad, positive, uplifting and wacko, whatever it takes to help each other survive with it.
    There is no limit how bad unstable tinnitus can get. Day in day out can wear you down
    I try not to but all I can is just read stuff on it and it scares me. Also wanted to ask what can I eat I tried cucumbers spinich chicken made my ears ring. Also showering causes ringing. It's worrying me to not be able to do things and eat.
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