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  • You live, you die, but you suffer in between.
    Something I hoped maybe not to avoid, but at least keep short. Could not get anything worse but T/H to suffer.
    T H N top of the line suffering. I was ready to enjoy my life. 50 years old. Pain all day. The inside of my ears feel like the have been stung by a bee. Just the noise would be God sent at this point.
    Hey you mentioned that nortriptyline exacerbated your tinnitus. What dose were you on and once you ceased the medication, did it return to your baseline tinnitus? Thank you!
    I don't remember the dose as it was long ago. My tinnitus did return to baseline.
    Why do people have unrealistic expectations of strangers? No one can be classified by the mean.
    @Jammer Is fleeting tinnitus considered a good thing? Does it mean the brain/ears are recalibrating and trying to adjust back to normal?
    I don't know what fleeting tinnitus means. Could be just another changing tinnitus pattern to throw you a curve ball.
    I've wondered the answer to this. I now think there is no way of knowing if it's a good or bad thing. I think it's the brain/ears trying to recalibrate BUT whether that's recalibrating to nerves after healing or to nerves permanently damaged?
    @Jupiterman Do you think if hyperacusis were to improve, then reactive tinnitus would also improve at the same time and become less reactive?
    my question to you is from back then 2004, to now 2023, how much innovative
    progress do you think researchers have made and do you see the light at the end of this tunnel.
    Or has their always been empty promises for treatment that just fizzle out and its just rinse and repeat.
    basically from a veterans perspective nothing has changed.
    Wow you had this since 2004 wow im so sorry and much respect. you are a trooper for sure and tough.
    I know it wasnt easy. at all. i got it 2014 literally a decade after you and its been he11. Life literally has never been the same for me. and sadly ive seen people online who acquired way after you and after me cant take it and literally GO if you know what i mean...
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