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  • Hi, I saw your post about having pulsatile tinnitus, and then it going away. How long did it take for it to go away? I have low-pitched whooshing tinnitus that came on after earwax microsuction; I'm nine months in and was wondering if there's still hope for me.
    It was my first shot. Thanks for the support guys. Time may well be the only healer for this
    I've been there three times. Still alive and kicking. :)
    Please, be patient.
    I know someone who got very sick from just one. The good news is that they ended up recovering so I think you are right about time being the healer with this.
    Toughest night I've ever had. Heart pumping like a drum. What has that Pfizer jab done to me?
    Mate, I'm so sorry.

    I made a commitment to stay off the subject, so I'll just say it this once: however bad COVID-19 is/was, those "vaccines" were complete bullsh*t.
    Ironically I was scheduled to be vaccinated when I came down with covid. Since then I've chosen to let my natural antibodies do their thing. I hope things get better for you.
    Brian P
    I've been trying to find ways to reduce this on various forums. It seems high dose prednisone or IV methylprdnisolone will help
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