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  • hey, I am just wondering how you dealt with driving in the end? I have just started a new job which (post lockdown) requires me to be in the office which is an hour drive away. Previously driving didn't bother me but the last week My ears have gone mental from driving and are really loud. Would appreciate if you could share what you did in the end - I am really considering quitting the job
    It did give me some tinnitus at the time, but nothing like my current tinnitus and I was wondering how it may be related to my current problem.
    Thanks for your time, and keep strong! Peace x
    In my case when I was in the army I shot a gun (Heckler & Koch G3) maybe 7-10 bullets per training session, maybe one training twice a year, for two years, so that's something like no more than 50 bullets in two years, 10 years ago!
    Hello BrStan. I registered this account to send you a message after reading one of your posts (probably old post by now).
    I read that you did some shooting in the army, and some shooting in the police, which caused the beginning of your hearing problems. I know it's been a long time ago, but I was wondering if you could remember how many times you shot a gun, how frequently and for how many years?
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