
I've had T since summer 2016, and a MAJOR spike in march 2018 that forced me to mostly stop playing saxophone. I still composed, produced, rapped, and played an electronic wind instrument throughout my habituation process. Now and then I get spikes that last a while, but it seems like my baseline has dropped below where my 2018 spike was. It's an ongoing process. Currently dealing with a pretty bad spike following an earwax extraction.

Update - the earwax extraction was in late July, and that spike subsided. August was a bumpy road with plenty of ups and downs, but September was my best month this year. Aside from a few days, I was barely bothered by T at all and even when I checked for it, it was relatively low volume. Now (oct19) I'm dealing with a spike after a concert last week, but I think the spike was actually caused my my voice jabbing at my ear through the occlusion effect from wearing earplugs improperly, and not the music itself which was not very loud.

With all the spikes I've had where I was convinced "oh no it's worse than ever" which eventually resolved to a barely-noticable baseline, it's hard for me to not worry during a spike that lasts more than a few days. I think I need to get back to meditation or something.

Things that help me get through the toughest times - friends, family, music, rap/poetry, video games, anime, webcomics, good food, good art, good news, the hope that eventually researchers will figure out how to fix us.

Member statistics

Tinnitus Since
July 2016
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud jam session on top of years of music performance/mixing



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