Recent content by Acufénico

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    Can It Get Any More Worse? Bad Reactive Tinnitus & Hyperacusis — Trouble Coping with External Noises

    Hey Sean, Good job I have the same problem with gardeners and blowing leaves, lawn mower.:arghh: Yesterday I visited friends in his house and they removed the music when I asked him It was at minute 1 after entering home ..:) I don't like to be caged so long at home ... Hope.. Sean
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    I hope you're better tonight Autumnly , PDodge

    I hope you're better tonight Autumnly , PDodge
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    Can It Get Any More Worse? Bad Reactive Tinnitus & Hyperacusis — Trouble Coping with External Noises

    Hi Sean, I appreciate your answer very much. I take note of all your advice, fortunately, now I can work from home some days of the week, this helps a lot as you know. My tinnitus just spike but the baseline the next day stays the same. Your passive laptop is a very good solution. I have a PC...
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    Can It Get Any More Worse? Bad Reactive Tinnitus & Hyperacusis — Trouble Coping with External Noises

    Hey Sean, Reading your story, it looks a lot like mine. My T is also very reactive / sensitive to sound. I can not be near my computer at home or turn on the air conditioning without my T spike, I have a hard time watching a movie with sound ... And like you, this sensitivity to sound began...
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    Don’t Know If I Can Keep Going

    Thanks glynis, your answer is much appreciated
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    Don’t Know If I Can Keep Going

    Hi, please i need advice. Since January after a headphone use to listen to 2 movies and some music at low volume one night, develop hyperacusis, now all fans (including PC), TV sound, music from anywhere, air conditioning .. Spike my T. I almost always play Sound Enrichment (nature) with my...
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    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    I also donated. Danny would be proud of all of you, his friends included. Now at least he is resting. We cannot lose hope. My best wishes for all from my heart.
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    Tinnitus + Vibration from Your Hotel Room Neighbors' AC = A Bad Combination

    @Bill Bauer I have the same problem in my office, the air conditioner in the office below is loud and produces vibrations on the floor where I am and on my desk, this situation spike my tinnitus a bit and with the passing of the hours is torture.
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    I Need Help / Advice and Opinion of a Drug (Finasteride)

    Thank you @Bill Bauer, for your response and work. Pure despair. I'm taking 1mg / day and I think Finasteride doesn't have an impact on my tinnitus either. I'm not totally sure. I'm going to take a look at what they say on reddit. My hair is much better without a doubt, but I prefer to be...
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    I Need Help / Advice and Opinion of a Drug (Finasteride)

    Hello, community, I am 33 and developed mild tinnitus in June of 2017, in January of 2018 after using a headset with music and movies at low volume one night, I developed hyperacusis / reactive tinnitus and an increase of my tinnitus, I read late to @Michael Leigh ... Now computers, TV, A/C...