Recent content by Adamwynn

  1. Adamwynn

    Amazing News for Everyone! Perceived Tinnitus Loudness Is Always Related to Emotional Perception

    After reading all these comments I think I’m much better off without this site and the people on it. I’ll be making this journey myself. Good luck everyone.
  2. Adamwynn

    Amazing News for Everyone! Perceived Tinnitus Loudness Is Always Related to Emotional Perception

    I know you guys are saying this doctor is stupid and I understand your reactions but he is literally the world's leading expert so I wouldn’t be so quick as to dismiss his knowledge.
  3. Adamwynn

    Amazing News for Everyone! Perceived Tinnitus Loudness Is Always Related to Emotional Perception

    So, I’ve just come from Harley Street in London, having just had an appointment with the UK's and probably the world’s leading ENT Doctor. And he told me that tinnitus volume as long as there is no current infection is always at 20 dB and the perceived loudness is always related to emotional...
  4. Adamwynn

    Tinnitus' Impact on Social Life

    You guys are getting caught up in a train of thought thinking that tinnitus is the only issue in the world. Every relationship has compromises because of the other person e.g no long hikes if you’re asthmatic etc. You guys have to think that everyone else has issues too, and, although it may be...
  5. Adamwynn

    Finally Habituated to My Tinnitus, but Now It's Bothering Me Again!

    I know this is an old thread, but I’m in the same boat! Fully habituated, period of stress with my girlfriend and now I can only focus on my tinnitus. I'm 100% certain it’s just due to my now stressed state of mind and I’m taking steps to be a bit more independent as I’ve been spending a lot of...
  6. Adamwynn

    My Tinnitus May Not Be Noise-Induced — I Have TMJ and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    Cheyennes: I’ve been prescribed some Anamys corticosteroid nasal spray and advised to take Sudafed for 6 weeks in conjunctions with this to see if it’s allergen based. As for the TMJ I’m making sure I keep my jaw relaxed and I’ve been fitted for a night guard to stop me from grinding my teeth...
  7. Adamwynn

    My Tinnitus May Not Be Noise-Induced — I Have TMJ and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    Contrast: if it has caused permanent damage then I guess I’ll have to live with that, I’ve never had my hearing tested above 8khz but on those YouTube tests I can hear up to 18khz so I think I’m ok Dpdx, maybe go to your doctor and ask them to have a look in your ears? And ask them about ETD...
  8. Adamwynn

    My Tinnitus May Not Be Noise-Induced — I Have TMJ and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    Contrast, I have had multiple hearing tests done, one which was a week after exposure showed damage at 8kHz but then one 2 months after showed no damage and my hearing was classified as exceptional in both ears.
  9. Adamwynn

    My Tinnitus May Not Be Noise-Induced — I Have TMJ and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    Contrast, Yes I attended a concert where I stood too close to the speakers exactly a year ago to this day. That most likely caused it but there is a possibility that fluid in my ear may be amplifying it somewhat
  10. Adamwynn

    My Tinnitus May Not Be Noise-Induced — I Have TMJ and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    So I got tinnitus from a concert a year ago, been pretty stable apart from recently due to stress. However, I’ve always thought my tinnitus was from noise trauma, I’ve incurred no NIHL, and I’ve also got a clicky jaw and my ears crack when I swallow. Went to the doctors and it turns out I have...
  11. Adamwynn

    Usually So Strong but I Feel So Weak Right Now

    So my tinnitus started almost a year ago, it’s gotten to the point where I wouldn’t classify myself as having it anymore. But recently due to stress with my girlfriend I’ve been feeling incredibly anxious, this has inevitably caused me to be anxious about my tinnitus. I keep hearing or think I...
  12. Adamwynn

    A Year Later...

    Agrajag, I’m planning on wearing in ears as well as over ear headphones!
  13. Adamwynn

    Clubbing and Tinnitus — Hearing Protection

    So I got tinnitus in October of 2017, I’ve been super careful and it’s gone completely now (well 99.9% or at least to the pint where I may as well not have it), or I can only hear it in complete silence, even if I plug my ears outside I can’t really hear it. My girlfriend like me isn’t into...
  14. Adamwynn

    A Year Later...

    Hi New Guy! Yeah of course! It was a music concert where i stood very close to the front about 6ft from the speakers for about 2 hours
  15. Adamwynn

    A Year Later...

    I got Noise induced Tinnitus almost a year ago (11/10/17). Since then it's gotten to the point where I cannot hear it unless I’m in complete silence, and even then I think now I’m just listening for things. I’d say I’m 99.9% there, not total silence but close enough (touch wood). For those...