Recent content by Aegyo

  1. Aegyo

    My Tinnitus Seems Unique?

    I'm knee deep in depression and trauma. Five years of fertility treatments and multiple miscarriages. Then I lost a baby due to medical error, then had my son which was also very difficult (atypical reflux). By September last year, I was living on 2 to 3 hours of sleep every night and constant...
  2. Aegyo

    My Tinnitus Seems Unique?

    Nope. No cold or anything like that. All I did was literally stick my fingers in my ears and hyperfocus on my hearing. I don't experience any pain from sounds. The tinnitus changes sounds when I'm driving, etc. So I could have a static buzz before getting in the car and then it changes to the...
  3. Aegyo

    My Tinnitus Seems Unique?

    I've had tinnitus since October 4th, 2018. It started in the most stupid, idiotic way ever. No, not noise trauma. I stuck my fingers in my ears. Yes, you read that right. I was already not feeling great back in September, looking back, I was already struggling with depression...I just didn't...
  4. Aegyo

    EMDR Proven to Be Effective for Tinnitus Distress

    I'm Dutch and starting EMDR for tinnitus distress later this month. Had my intake yesterday. The protocol itself is catered to the patient's experience. We shall see. The results have been widely acknowledged here in Holland. Breaking the cycle of distress changes the priority of tinnitus in...
  5. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    I personally support TRT, so I don’t care what others think ;) I had a long phone conversation with the TRT therapist and her view was that the in ear generators can be started to combat the reactiveness/sensitivity. And to alleviate the burden a bit. My concern is more...can it do any...
  6. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    I don’t know what is going on. Today the tinnitus was so far away, I hadn’t experienced that before. Right now I have an electrostorm, but it’s almost like it’s outside of my head... It keeps fading in and out of my awareness for seconds. @Michael Leigh Is there any objection to starting TRT...
  7. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    Actually, I can now watch TV for half an hour at a time. It changes from day to day though. Yesterday I watched TV for an hour. When it started, I couldn't handle even a few minutes. But on anxiety filled days like today, I seem to forget that.
  8. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    Yeah, I’m a hypochondriac. Was never an issue really. But that news article hit every one of my fears and it actually made me tremble all over. Aaaand here I am. My brain latched onto the tinnitus because of my reaction. I have no idea what to expect from CBT. But bringing my stress levels...
  9. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    The frustrating thing is that I think I may have always had this, I just wasn’t aware of it. I remember going to the toilet at night and hearing similar sounds. It was just never in my awareness.
  10. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    Unfortunately, even the TV on mute sets it off. I don't know why that is.
  11. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    First I had a regular headphones with beeps test. After that, they strapped a thing to my head which pressurized. The ENT told me nothing came out of the second test. I didn't notice any issues with it while they were doing it either. I also had that fork test. Was actually the very first...
  12. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    No, I haven't. I was told not to use earplugs for daily sounds, as it could make the reactiveness worse in the long run?
  13. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    But what does that 2k mean? Like, does it explain why my tinnitus reacts to the car or kettle, etc? Sorry, I don't know anything about these things hehe.
  14. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    I don't know what that means... What kind of sound is 2000khz? I don't know how accurate the test was at the time. I was a nervous wreck and lost my focus a few times...realising I heard the tone, but forgot to press.
  15. Aegyo

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    Pretty sure it was stress induced. I have no history of being around loud noises. Of course I have used headphones every now and then in the past. But very rarely. Here is my hearing test. I don't know if it's useful to anyone? I don't know how to read it. All I was told was that my hearing is...