Recent content by AlaskaTom

  1. AlaskaTom

    ENT Was Useless

    Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom. My ENT called me back because she just went over my audiograph from my hearing test with the Audiologist. Everything looked great and said I have great hearing. Which is good, but part of me was hoping that there was something wrong with my hearing to...
  2. AlaskaTom

    ENT Was Useless

    Sometimes I don’t think they realize not every has Insurance. I don’t. An MRI is very expensive.
  3. AlaskaTom

    ENT Was Useless

    Thank you Micheal. Maybe this all ment to make me more patient. Never have been. Always wanting results immediately. It hasn’t helped either that this all started and occupied the coldest darkest days up here in Alaska. My whole mind set may have been different if it was in middle of summer...
  4. AlaskaTom

    ENT Was Useless

    Thanks for the reply Glynis. Patience and time is a big thing. In the grand scheme of life, three months is not a long time. It just feels like it when you are frustrated by it all. Thanks
  5. AlaskaTom

    ENT Was Useless

    I now realize that.
  6. AlaskaTom

    ENT Was Useless

    Went to ENT today for a follow up on my ears. I got an infection three months ago along with tinittus. I was given Amoxicillin for the infection and ended up getting a rash and bad anxiety from it. Tinittus has stayed the whole time. The first few weeks were rough because the anxiety at times...
  7. AlaskaTom

    The Eustachi Device for Treating Tinnitus — Reviews? Experiences?

    I picked up the Eustachi as well to help open up my closed Eustachian tubes. It does what it’s supposed to do, opens and exercises the tubes. But I also stopped using it because I was afraid I might be doing damage. I would also use it after using a nasal spray to help get the spray into the...
  8. AlaskaTom

    My Journey So Far...

    Thanks Bill, I appreciate the long link! I think my mind is slowly being able to wrap itself around this whole thing. I am very happy to of found this forum.
  9. AlaskaTom

    My Journey So Far...

    The day before Halloween this last October my ears suddenly plugged up from a throat infection. As soon as they plugged up the tinnitus I have had all my life but never bothered me instantly got louder. Ended up being given Amoxicillin for both the infections in my throat and ears. I took entire...