Recent content by Alexis413

  1. Alexis413

    Accumulation of listening to loud music through my childhood and adulthood. I also had exposure...

    Accumulation of listening to loud music through my childhood and adulthood. I also had exposure to other loud noises without protection (shooting gun, power tools). What about you?
  2. Alexis413

    Hi @Gregg69004 , how's your hyperacusis going?

    Hi @Gregg69004 , how's your hyperacusis going?
  3. Alexis413

    Thank you @TheCapybara. It means a lot. It's been a brutal journey and its hard to see an end to...

    Thank you @TheCapybara. It means a lot. It's been a brutal journey and its hard to see an end to this. I remain hopeful that we'll get better with time
  4. Alexis413

    Hey The friendlyGhost. I was wondering if you could please share your story with me? Currently...

    Hey The friendlyGhost. I was wondering if you could please share your story with me? Currently going through severe noxacusis.(Pain from everyday sound, homebound, double pro all day even in my room). Have you made any improvements since the onset? How bad were you? Thinking of possible surgeries?
  5. Alexis413

    Sound trauma :( Ive been home bound for the past few weeks now. It originally started with only...

    Sound trauma :( Ive been home bound for the past few weeks now. It originally started with only loudness hyperacusis about a month and a half ago but then the nox kicked in about 2 weeks ago
  6. Alexis413

    Good luck! I'm in the nox bus as well. I hope we both get better!

    Good luck! I'm in the nox bus as well. I hope we both get better!