Recent content by Andersson

  1. Andersson

    Just Wanted to Check in, Before I Go Again

    Hi. Been trying to stay off the forums, for my own good. Still have a bad habit of checking in which tbh never makes me feel good, there is just to much pain in the threads and reading success stories can be good, but most got milder versions of tinnitus which makes me feel even worse. I could...
  2. Andersson

    Don't See the Point Anymore to Staying

    Okey. My dad had chrons disease for 40 years, he lives a VERY good life, he had 2 surgeries for it (shorten dead intestines or something) but he have no problems with it really, he watches what he eats and take his medication for it. No problem My sister + my half brother also have Chrons, they...
  3. Andersson

    My Journey Toward Habituation

    Thanks for the post. I read so many posts lately about how people overcome their new tinnitus in just a few weeks or months. Which is great for them. But they all have very mild tinnitus that can be only heard at night. Reading those just makes me feel worse. I am in the same situation as you...
  4. Andersson

    Has Anyone Done TRT (White Noise Generators) with Good Results?

    Only WNG. They don't even have a therapist right now ;/ So no follow up or more in depth counseling, they will get a therapist but it could take 2 months before they get someone. So until they get a new therapist trained with tinnitus coping I guess I'm on my own ;/ He did not explain much...
  5. Andersson

    Has Anyone Done TRT (White Noise Generators) with Good Results?

    I got my Siemens duel purpose hearing aids yesterday. I have no big hearing loss (a -30 dB drop at 6.5-8k in my left ear) so we decided to not have increased hearing on. So white noise only. I was told to use them for about 6 hours a day, not more, and could take breaks if I wanted. I can...
  6. Andersson

    What Has Tinnitus Taught You?

    Same here. I could only sleep in 100% silence, I could hear every little annoying thing like electronic noises, water pipes and so on. Just coming home, planting myself in the sofa in 100% silence, and just "be" mmmh. Or being in the forest, just hearing the leaves and nothing else, amazing...
  7. Andersson

    What Has Tinnitus Taught You?

    That fighting 1 year on onset to live with tinnitus and living 3 years happy with it was not enough fighting. Did not expect to be back to square one after almost dying the first time learning to live with this garbage, now its even worse. Also taught me that biology sucks, never been exposed...
  8. Andersson

    I See No Other Way But Suicide Now

    Day 5 on 10mg fluoxetine. I take it every morning with food and along with 10mg Sobril. Then another 10 mg Sobril in the afternoon. Doctor said to keep doing this for 2 weeks (as I said before planned to increase Fluoxetine to 20mg on Tuesday) Don't really feel the 10mg sobril helps all that...
  9. Andersson

    Insomnia — Hissing Sounds in My Ear

    Yeah rain have always been soothing for me. When I was a kid me and my mother often camped out in the forests etc, did that for like 15 years very often. Even on school days we drove out and camped. The best moments I remember are when the rain poured on the tent.
  10. Andersson

    Insomnia — Hissing Sounds in My Ear

    Do you remember what antidepressant and what dosage that made the tinnitus start when you got it? Or was it a withdrawl from one? Anxiety is a big part of insomnia, not just for T but for other cases of insomnia. Tricks like drinking something warm like milk, camomil tea, taking a hot shower...
  11. Andersson

    I See No Other Way But Suicide Now

    @glynis 4th day. I called my doctor at the psychiatry, he said that I should go to the emergency unit, so been there. Talked to doctor there and well, not much that was done. He said that since I tried so many different AD and had severe reactions to almost all of them that fluoxetin is the...
  12. Andersson

    I See No Other Way But Suicide Now

    Went to bed last night, woke up after 1 hour with the tinnitus screaming, was in panic and had cold sweats and had to take a diazepam to calm myself down and get to sleep. Woke up now and just shivering, feeling horrible and anxiety is raising through the roof. I dont know If I want to continue...
  13. Andersson

    I See No Other Way But Suicide Now

    Here in Sweden they are very restricted to prescribe Diazepam, Xanax is close to impossible for example to get prescribed. And with me having suicide thoughts (and more) on paper makes it even more impossible. He prescribed more Sobril and told me to take 1-2 a day for a week now. Still not...
  14. Andersson

    I See No Other Way But Suicide Now

    Thanks for the support all. @RaZaH Yes I dont like it either. But I had depression/anxiety problems years before i got T. And the fact is that I don't like my life really, I have no friends, no family, no job, live in a place I hate. And even with me having not cared about T at all for the last...
  15. Andersson

    I See No Other Way But Suicide Now

    Sat for 4 hours this morning contemplating if I should keep taking it or not. But decided to keep taking it, will see how it feels tomorrow. But I want to see if it can help my depression,anxiety or not at least some what so I can cope easier. I still just feel that T is the only thing that...