Recent content by anonymoose

  1. A

    Tinnitus Only in My Right Ear Is Ruining My Life

    Does it still go away when you lie down? There are periods of days or weeks where lying down on my right side shifts my tinnitus completely from my left side (where it always is) to my right side, then if I roll over to my left side it shifts from the right side back to the left. This happens...
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    Intermittent Tinnitus — Resets Pre-Dawn

    I experience this as well in two different ways: 1) Sometimes I go to bed with tinnitus, wake up without it, and then it progressively shows up over the course of the day. 2) Sometimes I go to bed without tinnitus and wake up with it. More often than not it's the first one. In my case, I'm...
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    Extremely Unusual Tinnitus Manipulation — Squeezing Head/Temples

    As the poster above me said, I’d recommend seeing a professional as your situation is almost assuredly at least a little different than mine. Definitely don’t want to accidentally make the tinnitus worse!
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    Extremely Unusual Tinnitus Manipulation — Squeezing Head/Temples

    I'm in a somewhat similar boat as you--check my post history for the thread I made about mine if you're interested. Long story short, I discovered the musculoskeletal nature of my tinnitus when I noticed that the frequency I couldn't hear would shift fairly dramatically day-to-day and sometimes...
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    I Don’t Know What to Do Anymore: I'm Now in a Psychiatric Hospital and Tinnitus Is Crushing Me

    That makes sense and agree with you on the disappointment. I'm unfortunately stubborn and an engineer, so I refused to simply deal with some new thing that was happening for seemingly no reason, so I went down a fairly crazy path of trying to figure out the root-cause and fix it to a decent...
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    Tinnitus Started Completely Out of the Blue — Nights Are the Hardest for Me

    I recommend running a fan close to you to provide background noise that you can focus on. I've found great success with this when mine has flared up in the past and made it difficult to sleep. Sometimes I've found success in focusing super hard on the tinnitus itself, but I don't know that I'd...
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    Tinnitus for 5 Weeks Following TD Vaccine (Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster) with Augmentin

    One thing I've personally found that stressing about the tinnitus seems to always make my tinnitus louder/worse. I believe this is the sympathetic nervous system amplifying things, but I'm not sure.
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    My Tinnitus Is Now 10/10 — Did TMJD Come Before or After the Worsening?

    I'd highly suggest treating the TMJD. There are a ton of nerves that run between your jaw and your vertebrae that connect to the brain right near where the vestibulocochlear nerve enters the brain. It's possible these nerves are being irritated and causing "electrical noise" that is causing the...
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    Developed Tinnitus After Testing Positive for COVID-19

    How is a vaccine that prevented them from severe illness, hospitalization, and possibly death "useless"?
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    I Now Have Tinnitus After Receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

    Texas Roadhouse CEO Suicide: Post-Covid-19 Tinnitus Contributed Dropping this in here for those that let anecdotes weigh too heavily on them. CEO of Texas Roadhouse had terrible tinnitus because of a COVID-19 infection and it drove him to suicide. I have somatosensory tinnitus, received both...
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    I Don’t Know What to Do Anymore: I'm Now in a Psychiatric Hospital and Tinnitus Is Crushing Me

    Have you looked into vagus nerve stimulation as a potential treatment?
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    Extremely Unusual Tinnitus Manipulation — Squeezing Head/Temples

    I believe the auricular nerve runs through that area. Can you look up an anatomy diagram and see if that's what you're pressing on?
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    Not All Tinnitus Is Created Equal — My Story

    Wanted to give a quick (or maybe long) update. I've been seeing two physical therapists at Beacon Physical Therapy in San Francisco, CA. They don't specialize in somatosensory tinnitus, but they are insanely good at what they do so I trusted that they'll get to the bottom of this if it's a...
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    Not All Tinnitus Is Created Equal — My Story

    I'm fairly convinced that neck-related tinnitus is heavily under-diagnosed, which is why I shared my findings. Being able to modulate the pitch and volume of the tinnitus with neck positions, to me, is a tipoff that the cause of yours might be related to your neck. Have you done any neck...
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    Not All Tinnitus Is Created Equal — My Story

    I wanted to share my story on the off chance that it helps someone with their tinnitus. In mid-July, I had a sudden onset of unexplained neck pain (near the base of the skull) followed by a headache (quite uncommon for me). This persisted for about a day and completely resolved. I never had...