Recent content by Antje

  1. Antje

    Music Therapy (Heidelberg Model) as an Early Intervention to Prevent Chronification of Tinnitus

    Stumbled upon some scientific research on the Heidelberg Music Therapy method practiced in Germany. It all sounds very promising but I haven't really seen anybody speak about it on fora like these. Does anyone have any experience with the Heidelberg Sound Therapy method? Really looking forward...
  2. Antje

    Singing and Overtones

    No I don't really do that. Thank you for your reply. Yes, I should probably just visit an audiologist since the ENT only checked until 8khz
  3. Antje

    Singing and Overtones

    Hello all, I am new to this forum so I apologize if I post this on a wrong page. I've read a couple of posts on singing with tinnitus but they don't really answer my specific question so i'll give it a go. I am 21 years old and 2 months ago my tinnitus started out of the blue and I haven't...