Recent content by antonio77

  1. antonio77

    tRNS, The Next Neuromodulation Method

    I don’t understand the rationale behind testing treatments on people who have had tinnitus for only a few weeks or months. At first, tinnitus is often very mild. In many cases, it either disappears on its own or becomes so faint that people adapt to it within a few months. If someone undergoing...
  2. antonio77

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Tinnitus is a problem of the nervous system, making it complex and difficult to treat. Comparatively, issues like hematological, bone, or muscular problems are often easier to address. However, I believe that just as technology has enabled people with spinal cord damage (and nerve damage) to...
  3. antonio77

    The Bionics Institute Claim They Have Found a Way of Objectively Measuring Tinnitus

    They play a low sound that completely masks the tinnitus. Then, they turn it off, allowing you to hear your tinnitus in full detail. Over time, you get used to it, and it no longer seems like such a big deal. It’s similar to going to the beach and then getting into a car. On the beach, you hear...
  4. antonio77

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    It saddens me to see so many unprincipled doctors taking advantage of the desperation of tinnitus sufferers just to make money. Lenire doesn’t work, yet clinics everywhere are advertising it with claims of 80% or even 90% effectiveness. It seems no one is concerned about the lack of regulation...
  5. antonio77

    NeuroMed Tinnitus Program — Founded by Dr. Hamid Djalilian

    I find it very interesting, but I can't translate the doctor's intervention, so I don't know exactly what he says, I just have a guess.
  6. antonio77

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I still don’t understand why MRI isn’t used to determine if a person has tinnitus. Years ago, it was reported that in people with tinnitus, a specific part of the brain lit up during an MRI. Why isn’t this technique used to monitor whether someone’s tinnitus improves or not? Am I missing something?
  7. antonio77

    By the way, I have had tinnitus since 1991, you are light years away from knowing what I know...

    By the way, I have had tinnitus since 1991, you are light years away from knowing what I know. You have to make an effort to be more humble and respectful. And learn to read.
  8. antonio77

    Why Is There No Cure for Tinnitus?

    A clinic in my country that uses Lenire claims a 97% success rate. Obviously, that's not accurate, but I'm still unsure whether it does work or not.
  9. antonio77

    Why Is There No Cure for Tinnitus?

    There is one thing I don't understand. Years ago, a type of MRI was developed that could reliably identify individuals with tinnitus by showing certain areas of the brain lighting up. So why not use that same MRI to demonstrate the effectiveness of a medication, especially when the person is...
  10. antonio77

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I’m not sure if there are different types of tinnitus. I believe the condition is essentially the same for everyone, but what varies is the severity, duration, and how each person experiences it. For example, a person with hearing loss who doesn't use hearing aids to improve their hearing may...
  11. antonio77

    Xenon Pharmaceuticals' XEN1101 — Kv7 Potassium Channel Modulator

    I think we would all sign up to take some pills all our lives in exchange for reducing or eliminating tinnitus, even if it is only for a few hours a day. For example, you take it at bedtime, and you can sleep in silence. I agree with that.
  12. antonio77

    The Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 2023 MidWinter Conference

    If we consider tinnitus as a psychiatric disorder, the problem has already been solved. We can do the same with cancer and we already have another problem solved, so we can solve all diseases. There is nothing worse for tinnitus than a doctor who says it is a psychiatric problem, because it...
  13. antonio77

    Cochlear Implants as a Treatment of Tinnitus

    If that were true, years ago all tinnitus sufferers would have had a cochlear implant. No, what you say is not true at all, but if you believe it, it's not that difficult to convince an otolaryngologist to operate on you. Get a cochlear implant and tell us. When you have hearing loss and...
  14. antonio77

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Mine is also more intrusive on the left, and I've heard a lot of people say the same thing. Does this have any meaning or is it just a coincidence?
  15. antonio77

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    Do they keep in touch with you to study your case? it is evident that something happened so that after 30 years your tinnitus disappeared.