Recent content by Arahant

  1. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Check if you're grinding your teeth, making your muscles tight. I had this increasing from 300 mg to 450 mg. This thread shows my recovery history. It took many months but I got relief.
  2. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    I am glad that you are getting improvements. Be patient, the static noise reduced slowly, and it was the last sound that disappeared, in my case.
  3. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Just to remember you guys, regarding my T: No more pain/stiffness in the neck/jaw ---> no more spikes of T and the chronic "static high pitch" noise reduced to near zero after months.
  4. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Shaz1, "head and ear pressure" might be related to occipital muscles getting quite tight. And they are close to the ear.
  5. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Wellbutrin can induce bruxism/jaw clenching and muscle stiffness/spasms. Sore jaw/neck muscles are known to cause sensorineural tinnitus.
  6. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    It is pretty much the same in the USA, Aside from costing me $420 even if I had insurance and I was at a "in-network" provider. My ENT visit was exactly the four steps above. I had two recommendations during the visit. I could choose between go for a TRT at the Tinnitus Clinic of the medical...
  7. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Do you spend much time on the computer? Texting on a smartphone is a hell for neck problems too. Since you can clearly see how your sore neck muscles are related to your loud Tinnitus, stretches and PT is worth a try... if that stretch with tapping is making you panic, just skip it...
  8. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    I hope you get better after more PT exercises.
  9. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    At least it is shown at the website, But the majority of Tinnitus problems are due to hearing loss, due to trauma, disease, etc. Neck/TMJ problems are a small percentage. Do you still have Tinnitus? Was it due to neck / TMJ/ muscle pain?
  10. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Have you noticed that Dr. Mandel is a chiropractor but his videos is much more related to exercises and stretches than cracking? It is much more physical therapy work. Bob and Brad also has a lot of videos about neck problems. Take care of neck pain is a good option. The American Tinnitus...
  11. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    The main thing is: Does answering your question using x-rays change something? I would go for physical therapy, I have been to a chiropractor, and I would never allow cracking my neck again. That is dangerous and had no impact on my tinnitus. I think the evaluation of results during quiro are...
  12. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Doctors follow clinical protocols, which were tested on a group of patients with same conditions. I talked to my ENT about my ability to modulate my tinnitus and he said that he only got two patients during his entire career, which reported the symptoms, related to changing a antidepressants...
  13. Arahant

    May all beings be happy and secure, may they be happy-minded.

    May all beings be happy and secure, may they be happy-minded.
  14. Arahant

    Tinnitus Caused by Wellbutrin — WHY Does Medication Cause Tinnitus?

    One of its side effects can be jaw clenching/bruxism and neck stiffness. Which are one of causes of sensorineural tinnitus.
  15. Arahant

    Tinnitus from Wellbutrin — Now My Tinnitus Is Gone

    Nope. I am hearing nothing while yawning, no more low pitch during yawning... I was glad that my jaw clenching/bruxism stopped just after stopping to take Wellbutrin, It saved me thousands on a dentist to put me on a useless mouthguard. But my sore muscles lasted for months... Since you had no...