Recent content by Ardwordin

  1. Ardwordin

    Pausing/Stopping White Noise Abruptly — Tinnitus Gets Louder

    Are there any long -term negative effects of in -ear maskers? just curious
  2. Ardwordin

    Pausing/Stopping White Noise Abruptly — Tinnitus Gets Louder

    NO i play it on youtube on my phone and computer. I do not use in ear maskers. Maybe i will get them in the future.
  3. Ardwordin

    Tinnitus Loudness Scale?

    have you tried white noise?
  4. Ardwordin

    Pausing/Stopping White Noise Abruptly — Tinnitus Gets Louder

    Has it occurred to anyone that once you pause or stop the white noise abruptly, the Tinnitus get louder or at least more annoying and noticeable? I also have mild Hyperacusis, maybe that's why I have this phenomenon?
  5. Ardwordin

    Could White Noise Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Has it occured to anyone that once you pause or stop the white noise abruptly, the T get louder or atleast more annoying and noticeable? I also have mild H, maybe thats why i have this phenomenon?
  6. Ardwordin

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    My tinnitus is slightly pitched on my right ear. Its not super loud but extremely annoying and persistent.
  7. Ardwordin

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    Hello, could you please tell me what humidifier you used? I also have sinus issues and looking to get the vicks humidifier
  8. Ardwordin

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    Thank you for the this encouraging experience! I will try your methods and get back to you.
  9. Ardwordin

    I Can't Tolerate Tinnitus Anymore

    It's been over 3 weeks now. I thought my T was due to ear wax. I got my wax removed a week ago but no change occured. How it began: On Dec 29 2017, I went to the walk in clinic because my right ear was blocked and there was some pain and leakage of fluid and some blood (probably since I...
  10. Ardwordin

    How Does Melatonin Affect Your Tinnitus?

    I took 'timed release' melatonin last night. I slept real good for roughly 6 hours. I'd say it really helped me because my T wasn't letting me sleep for the past two days. Last night was bliss. Hopefully it will help you as well. I read somewhere that regular melatonins only work for 3/4 hours...
  11. Ardwordin

    Ringing in My Right Ear

    Thanks guys those are some reassuring advise
  12. Ardwordin

    Ringing in My Right Ear

    Hello everyone, I have been dealing with tinnitus for roughly 8 days now. It is on my right ear. (Although sometimes I can feel it in the centre of my head). The ringing varies a lot. It can get from low pitched to high pitched specially when I get anxious. The doctor told me I have ear wax...