Recent content by asd12312

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    If My Tinnitus Is Not Pulsatile, Why Does It Increase When I Flex My Abs / Brace My Core?

    I’ve noticed something interesting in the morning when my tinnitus acts up. If I tighten my body—which also flexes my neck by default—my tinnitus temporarily increases but then fully fades the instant I relax. My tinnitus is not related to hearing loss or damage. I do have a history of TMJ, but...
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    TMJD: Natural Alternatives to NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, and Muscle Relaxants?

    @just1morething, my doctor told me that he sees many people with bone-on-bone conditions, and even eroded condyles, who do not experience pain or tinnitus. He believes the link between tinnitus and TMJ is more related to the muscles and nerves around the TMJ rather than the actual condition of...
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    Tinnitus Returns After Nightmares/Night Bruxism

    @Tinniger I have something similar and was wondering if I can chime in. My tinnitus started in early 2024 and was not caused by noise exposure. I have always been cautious about sound. I am not a fan of earbuds, headphones, or loud noises. In fact, I have never attended a show or concert...