Recent content by Astro

  1. Astro

    Hi :]

    Hi :]
  2. Astro

    I'm Not Dead

    Thank you. Eating healthy and any activity that reduces stress and inflammation helped me. But the main thing is just time. You gotta give yourself time to "get used to it". But in the mean time get massages and facials, yoga, meditation, spending a lot of lot of time outside. Staying away from...
  3. Astro

    I'm Not Dead

    It's always there. And I always notice it but it's just a passing thought. I don't focus on it. I'm not going to lie to you dude. It bothered me A LOT for the first 2 years. But you just joined so I'm assuming your tinnitus is new and it can go away. Get some prednisone (shots or oral). Most...
  4. Astro

    Can't Sleep AT ALL without the Help of Xanax — Tinnitus So Loud

    You build a tolerance and have to increase dosage pretty frequently. It's unavoidable. And you won't go through the horror story withdrawals as long as you taper off VERY slowly.
  5. Astro

    Can't Sleep AT ALL without the Help of Xanax — Tinnitus So Loud

    I'd get another doctor. Any doctor with half a brain will have no problem prescribing benzos to a new sufferer of tinnitus. I'd suggest a therapeutic run of them and not long term though. Use them the first 6-12 months to give you time to try to wrap your head around dealing with this noise. I...
  6. Astro

    Can't Sleep AT ALL without the Help of Xanax — Tinnitus So Loud

    Dont beat yourself up. I took Xanax for the first year man. It's a shock to your emotions to always be in distress. Use the Xanax to sleep while you try different treatments and while you become more accustomed to the ringing. Whenever you decide to stop definitely slowly taper off. Don't stop...
  7. Astro

    How Do You Play Video Games without Hurting Ears?

    To be competitive you need to hear footsteps and gunfire.
  8. Astro

    Getting hit by Dorian tomorrow, I'll sleep good. The category 5 hurricane with 200mpg gusts...

    Getting hit by Dorian tomorrow, I'll sleep good. The category 5 hurricane with 200mpg gusts should be a good masker lmao
  9. Astro

    Best Anti-Inflammatory / Alternative Treatment for EARLY Tinnitus?

    It's just started and it's in one ear, you sound a lot like a few people I've know in real life. One was a medicine they took, one was allergies, both had temporary tinnitus from inflammation. Both got prednisone shots and prednisone pills and it was gone for one in 2 months and the other just...
  10. Astro

    Best Anti-Inflammatory / Alternative Treatment for EARLY Tinnitus?

    Everyone hears ringing in ACTUAL complete silence. An example. When I was in prison in my early 20s I didn't have tinnitus. But at night when there was no noise and you sit in your cell, you hear ringing while reading or w.e. not just me, ask anyone who's been locked up.
  11. Astro

    How Do You Play Video Games without Hurting Ears?

    A50s are expensive and have very clean sound so they work well at low volumes and you will still be able to hear people creeping up on you.
  12. Astro

    How Do You Play Video Games without Hurting Ears?

    My tinnitus is the same and I'm not cross eyed. I wear Astro a50s and only use them with the volume very low. Doesn't seem to make my tinnitus spike, but you have to use them lowwww.
  13. Astro

    Exercise or No Exercise for Sinus/ETD Related Tinnitus?

    My t is always higher after the gym but it always returns to normal. I go 5 times a week. I attribute my ability to keep positive to staying in shape and being healthy. So if you can handle your t being louder for a little after the gym til you shower and chill, then I'd go ahead and do it. But...
  14. Astro


    I'm kind of abrasive. I need to learn to word myself better to not offend or sound cold hearted when I'm trying to give positive encouragement. Your assumptions of my personality and intentions are very off... I dont want anyone to feel how I felt. It's not that I lie to myself. I just recently...