Recent content by atabbey

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    Eye Twitching/Pressure Behind Eye Connected to Tinnitus Spike?

    I just read this post but I wanted to chime in. I also have headaches and eye fatigue/strain/pressure. So much so I got glasses to help me read when it's flared up. I've had MRIs and they don't see anything wrong sadly. But here's something weird that just happened to me... I was standing in my...
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    Tinnitus Is Ruining My Life — Other Symptoms: Various Aches, Vision Issues, and More

    So my experience with tinnitus actually began 5 months prior to first noticing it. I became sick with another standard cold the week of Valentine's day... or so I thought. After the cold ran its course (tested for COVID-19 and came out negative) I went back to life as usual. Roughly one week...