Recent content by Athens

  1. A

    Flying, Cinemas, Bars and Other Activities with Hyperacusis/Noxacusis

    Hello. I have been on a plane several times and have worn earplugs or earmuffs (wore both once). I have not noticed any spike in symptoms as a result. I have hyperacusis and tinnitus (primarily only in one ear). The hyperacusis has slowly improved since I moved forward with my life.
  2. A

    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    I think that exposing myself to normal levels of sound at restaurants, social gatherings, golf, and jogging has resulted in improvement. I have made the effort to make social plans with friends and family rather than just sit around and feel sorry for myself. The hyperacusis and tinnitus...
  3. A

    Is Teletherapy Worth Risking a Hyperacusis Setback?

    I think that you will improve. I struggled for several years but can now talk on the phone, experience less hoarseness, and can be at a somewhat loud cocktail party without too much discomfort. I am curious to know the name and location of your therapist if you are comfortable sharing it.
  4. A

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I recall that the two patients being cured were in the initial human trial/study, not in the second larger group, but it probably does not make any difference.
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    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    The sounds might be ramped up because the brain is not getting the same level of auditory input as before and turns the volume up not for protection but to compensate for the lost input. I also think that stress, depression, and/or anxiety might play an important factor in bringing tinnitus and...
  6. A

    Advice for Severe Hyperacusis Caused by Microsuction / Medication?

    I developed hyperacusis (and later tinnitus) in 2020 during a time of great anxiety and stress in my life. I have gradually been able to add more and more activities in my life (going to restaurants, playing golf, jogging). I wore ear protection at a very loud event (football game), but I may...
  7. A

    Extreme Hyperacusis and Tinnitus — Noises Trigger Dizziness and Panic

    I have above the ear pink/white noise generators (I listen to pink noise). One of my audiologists recommended setting the volume to just below the tinnitus while another one said to set it at “whatever volume is comfortable for you.” They are both trained in TRT. Do you have any thoughts on the...
  8. A

    If Hyperacusis and Noxacusis Are Long-Term Damage Related, Are People Aged 60+ Affected More?

    FWIW: Someone on here indicated that he suffered more hearing loss as he got older which offset the hyperacusis and made it better. His tinnitus, however, apparently increased.
  9. A

    My 1st Year (Reactive) Tinnitus + Hyperacusis Anniversary — A Better Place

    Can you please describe your approach in relation to sound therapy? Also, did your hearing aids actually amplify sounds or did you use them for some other purpose (I had hearing aids at one point that were just used for sound therapy)?
  10. A

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    I thought that I read that a CT scan might not show an acoustic neuroma (if that is the concern), but I am not certain. I think that there has been some physiological damage, but anxiety and stress brought it to the surface and has kept it there. I had nocturnal panic attacks after my father...
  11. A

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    Oh, I played live music for decades without protection and listened to it at a very loud volume for many years. A Neuro ENT who was on the board of the hyperacusis and tinnitus center when it was in Atlanta told me that an MRI would probably not be advisable given that there is a rational basis...
  12. A

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    Thank you. My audiograms (I have had at least three) show mild hearing loss consistent with age (worse on the left which is where the tinnitus is located). It dips into the moderate hearing loss at one frequency but then climbs back up. I have 100% word recognition scores. I went to an ENT last...
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    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    What is your opinion of exposing yourself to normal levels of sound (even if the hyperacusis makes it sound uncomfortably loud and may lead to spikes in the condition) in an effort to improve hyperacusis? I have seen several videos from people who have improved with this approach. It seems like...
  14. A

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    Thank you for the resources. I have not had any pain with the hyperacusis. It is more of an uncomfortably loud sensation. I noticed years ago that I could not talk on the telephone on my left ear because I had some noise sensitivity there (but not to a major degree until I became under great...
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    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    In 2020, all of the illness and death from the pandemic was frightening, and it had a major impact on my law practice (legal proceedings suspended which meant that I could not get paid). I also sold my house of twenty-three (23) years (seemingly a positive, but still a major change), and...