Recent content by audstune

  1. audstune

    Can Tinnitus Be Caused by Allergies?

    @cspc Thanks for your feedback...and so sorry for why you have T. I do wish someone would consider doing more research/studies to help the millions of people with T...but until then...praying all of us find a way to endure! @David077 Thanks for your suggestion...will do!
  2. audstune

    Singing Made My Tinnitus Disappear!

    Hi...I'm recent to T (3 weeks) I've been on Pregnisone for 3 days (doctor thought it was ETD due to my severe allergies). I did notice, however, when I rehearse (I'm a vocalist) that the T was almost gone. I'm hoping it's a temp condition (been losing sleep)...but now I know it wasn't my...
  3. audstune

    Can Tinnitus Be Caused by Allergies?

    Thanks for this discussion...though I'm getting immunotherapy for my allergies, it's been a bad season. About 3 weeks ago, I started to get a lot of congestion in my right sinus...I awoke one morning with a distant high-pitched sound in that ear. Today, it began in my left ear. My allergist...