Recent content by Bill Bond

  1. B

    Neck Issues Causing My Tinnitus

    The physical therapists found several large trigger points in my neck and also my 1st rib was out of place. They asked me if I had been in any accidents, I was in 2 broad sided accidents in the last 5 years which was the reason I was exhibiting these issues. So with the combo of the upper...
  2. B

    Neck Issues Causing My Tinnitus

    I thought I had found the answer to my tinnitus, but I had to go one more step. After several doctors misdiagnosed me, I found an upper cervical doctor. After an adjustment my tinnitus would disappear for a day up to 7 days. The reason why my tinnitus kept coming back was that C3-C4 were...
  3. B

    My Tinnitus Is Cured (Upper Cervical Chiropractor)

    Hello everyone. After 8 doctors: 2 PCP’s, 1 ENT and 1 neuro ENT, then onto 3 Chiropractors. All promising to help me rid my tinnitus, hearing loss and annoying ear fullness in my right ear Well, they all did not help me one bit. I was on my own!!!! I remembered who I thought had the...