Recent content by Billlf

  1. B


    The sudden onset is really thought to cope with, I had same thing. Took about 3 months to start sleeping without medication, then another 6 months to believe that I’d be ok. Doing great now. Ringing as i type this but I really don’t mind at all. It’ll get better for you too.
  2. B

    New Tone Driving Me Crazy... Could Use Some Positive News...

    You’re far from alone. It will get better. Trust in time time and the power of your amazing brain. It will work around this problem.
  3. B

    I Will Not Live with My Tinnitus

    Was in exact same place a year ago. Stopped sleeping, stopped eating. Thought I might have to end it myself. Chased after a hundred solutions. Time was all I needed. It will get better. im 99% better. Trust in time. Your brain is an incredible thing. Habituation will happen. You will be ok.