Recent content by bizzie

  1. bizzie

    How Many Tones Is It Possible to Hear? Is My Tinnitus Related to Superior Canal Dehiscence?

    Thanks for that. You are right. I probably should have given more of my story. CT for my temporal bone is being scheduled by ENT, as is a VNG test. Sounds like something he is looking to rule out. This is my fifth doctor, but first ENT. I had an MRI that found fluid so that’s why he wants to see...
  2. bizzie

    How Many Tones Is It Possible to Hear? Is My Tinnitus Related to Superior Canal Dehiscence?

    Hi, I have had bilateral ringing like an old CRT TV being on for as long as I can remember. But I got suddenly constantly dizzy last year and since then the tinnitus has multiplied to very loud TVs, a railroad crossing bell (frequency) and some person pressing on a dial phone one button, for...