Recent content by Blueberry

  1. Blueberry

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I'm not really worrying about auditory nerve : … or even ribbon synapses : I'm more concerned about lack of mitosis in...
  2. Blueberry

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Just a question… What if supporting cells have also a essential role in hearing mechanisms (frequencies discrimination) ? If there's only a transdifferentiation (and no mitosis), the resulting lack of supporting cells could be a problem… you could hear a noise but not understand it because your...
  3. Blueberry

    Singing... Again...

    Thank you so much Dr Nagler for your answer. I'm sorry I wasn't able to thank you before, it took me time to understand that in the doctor's corner all the threads are built on the model "one question, one answer", and I've also for a long time hesitated to create another thread regarding my...
  4. Blueberry

    Treatment Prospects: Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    Hi ! I've just discovered this topic… I did not all understand actually… (yes I'm french :) ) Could VNS be a treatment for non tonal tinnitus too ?
  5. Blueberry

    Positive Story About a Singer with Tinnitus

    @tomm Thank you so much for this link ! It's a wonderful story. I wish this singer write a book, as his doctor suggests… @Lisa88 That's a very good idea. I'm currently not able to do it (I mean, psychologically), but in a few days or weeks… for sure :) Thank you so much for the support and the...
  6. Blueberry

    Concerned about my future (singing)... Have you ever met/treated people like me?

    Hi Dr Nagler, First please excuse me for my poor english… I'm french :) Since May 2014 I've got a mild tinnitus due to acoustic trauma, with a tiny hearing loss (but the audiogram goes not above 8000 kHz, so… :) ). Well, I can manage. For now. Actually, I'm really concerned about the future…...
  7. Blueberry

    6 Months & Tinnitus Still Going Strong But So Am I :)

    Thank you Jade, thank you Bart… :)