Recent content by Bob den Hartog

  1. Bob den Hartog

    Monday, Tuesday sudden stretches of near silence, then Wednesday BAM, someone suddenly rings my...

    Monday, Tuesday sudden stretches of near silence, then Wednesday BAM, someone suddenly rings my bell when I’m in the hallway,back to fucked.
  2. Bob den Hartog

    My Hyperacusis Reduced After Dietary Change

    I'm wondering though - I got Huel lying around here, the artificial meal that is supposed to be compiled of everything the body needs, without whatever the body doesn't need. It's a liquid meal, and it's possible to survive just on that. I ordered it a few months ago because I thought it'd be...
  3. Bob den Hartog

    My Hyperacusis Reduced After Dietary Change

    It could very well be. I didn't notice a significant change in my condition when I cut out dairy, or reduced my sugar intake, but hey, I've only seriously been doing it for a week and a half or so. But my deterioration kinda went hand in hand with cutting out my daily bread. Since I usually ate...
  4. Bob den Hartog

    My Hyperacusis Reduced After Dietary Change

    My own experiences with this diet seems to be giving a bit more insight (at least to my own personal condition). As the cutting down on food is giving me less energy, my hyperacusis is ramping up. Also, it has always been at its worst in the evening, and at its best in the morning. As it’s...
  5. Bob den Hartog

    My Hyperacusis Reduced After Dietary Change

    I noticed that the salads, avocado’s, eggs and blueberries instead of my pile of bread left me seriously fatigued throughout the day which is jamming up my hyperacusis, and cooking for lunch is hardly an option. So I got gluten free and low carb bread to bring back my energy, with pure peanut...
  6. Bob den Hartog

    My Hyperacusis Reduced After Dietary Change

    Hmmyeah, I was trying to move into a vegetarian lifestyle and then this came along and @another sean warned against dairy. But now that I'm seeing how restrictive my current diet has become, I'm back on biological meat. I'm currently following the Paleo diet, since that basically encompasses...
  7. Bob den Hartog

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    It might be they’ll taking the time in between as preparation to roll out the treatment across Europe, as they’re currently swamped with helping people in Dublin.
  8. Bob den Hartog

    Either way, I think all the Paleo, Keto and Carnivore diets, as well as the intermittent fasting...

    Either way, I think all the Paleo, Keto and Carnivore diets, as well as the intermittent fasting regimes have one thing in common: minimal sugar and carbs, minimal processed foods, all nature.
  9. Bob den Hartog

    By the way, I just saw someone on Reddit who said he eliminated his tinnitus after he got on the...

    By the way, I just saw someone on Reddit who said he eliminated his tinnitus after he got on the Carnivore diet (aka The MEN! Diet For MEN! Who Love Their MEAT!), but that took at least 6 months. Not to discourage you, but the opposite: it goes to show we’re all different, and it could take a...
  10. Bob den Hartog

    So hang in there! Don’t expect any results so early in, as I think you usually start to notice...

    So hang in there! Don’t expect any results so early in, as I think you usually start to notice something after at least a month or, with keto, once ketosis sets in, I think?
  11. Bob den Hartog

    Hey, I’m following whatever Sean did and told about in the hyperacusis thread. So more carbs...

    Hey, I’m following whatever Sean did and told about in the hyperacusis thread. So more carbs than keto, but no sugar, no dairy, no wheat or processed foods, daily eggs and avocado, and stuff. He said he didn’t notice any difference until after 1 to 2 months, so I’m not expecting results yet. The...
  12. Bob den Hartog

    One week into new dieting regime results: 1) woke up to pretty silent T, 2) still reactionary as...

    One week into new dieting regime results: 1) woke up to pretty silent T, 2) still reactionary as heck, 3) craving chocolate SO BAD.
  13. Bob den Hartog

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    There have been multiple users by now reporting first positive effects (one on this very page), but their comments tend to get ignored or met with, “but you haven’t had tinnitus long enough!”, or, “that’s coincidence!” Some people just want to complain.
  14. Bob den Hartog

    Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

    If the thought of fasting is a bit intimidating for you (I know it is for me); there’s another thread in the Hyperacusis board by Sean who had his hyperacusis under control (after 4 years of severe Hyperacusis it’s practically a non-issue now) due to dietary changes, in which he stopped eating...
  15. Bob den Hartog

    My Hyperacusis Reduced After Dietary Change

    Ah ok, in that case it’s better to stick to meat, then! And haha, damnit, just when I thought I found a good alternative... Since it scared me a bit I looked it up, though, and according to research I found the link between Soy and thyroids is only an issue in women, especially of a certain...