Recent content by BoBoAstro

  1. B

    There Will Be Better Days

    Hello everyone, I have not posted since back in November but I do come by every now and again to see the success stories. I don't know if I would call my journey with Tinnitus a successful one or not, seeing that I've only had it since October of 2017. I can say however, that I am in a...
  2. B

    My Tinnitus Story (A Bit of Hope)

    Stacey, sorry for such a super late response. I haven't been able to connect to Tinnitus Talk's webpage for some reason. How is everything going for you? Any change in a positive direction?
  3. B

    My Tinnitus Story (A Bit of Hope)

    Hello, my name is Jack. As you can see, I have had Tinnitus for only one month (maybe a little longer). I will say that just like everyone else who experiences this strange and unforgiving condition, I freaked out. It started in my right ear. It would seem to close up and ring very loud for...