Recent content by Brain Damaged

  1. Brain Damaged

    My Tinnitus Becomes Calm in Silence and Aggravates After Noise Exposure — Is There Any Possibility of Healing?

    I’m very particular about my ear protection. I had molds made from my ear canals so an audiologist could create perfectly fitting earplugs. It was a worthwhile investment. I wear them to bed to block out my wife’s loud snoring, which can cause severe headaches throughout the night. I also carry...
  2. Brain Damaged

    Tinnitus from Old Age, I Guess

    Greetings, everyone, I'm not sure when it started creeping in—sometime after 2008, I think. Years at sea in the Navy, combined with time in the Army National Guard, loud music, and, of course, old age, may have "blessed" me with this curse. Now, I'm trying out hearing aids to help with mild...