Recent content by BuzzingBay

  1. BuzzingBay

    OTO App for Managing Tinnitus — Post Your Experiences and Reviews

    Currently, the cost of the OTO app is $138 for three months. That breaks down to $46 per month or an astonishing $552 per year. If it were covered by insurance, like in-person CBT therapy, I’d be willing to give it a try. However, I forgot I had installed it, and now, if I want to use it, I’ll...
  2. BuzzingBay

    I've Had Some Amazing Improvement in the Last Year

    Oh well, thanks for replying anyway. I’ve tried so many pillows, and I can’t help but wonder how much my cervical spine issues might be affecting my tinnitus. I’ll keep looking. Thanks again, and congratulations on your progress!
  3. BuzzingBay

    I've Had Some Amazing Improvement in the Last Year

    @Lurius, I would love to know which "super pillow" worked for you.
  4. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    Yes, I'm using these: Perytong Headband Headphones, Sleep Headphones Bluetooth Sleeping Headband Wireless Sleeping Headphones Sleep Headband,Soft Headphone Headband for Side Sleepers,Sleeping Gifts for Men Women : Electronics They are working great.
  5. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    That looks like it has potential! I'll look into it. Thanks!
  6. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I've been doing some Alexander Technique exercises, which help, too. But thanks for the suggestion of breathing. I might try that. In truth, I don't always have trouble falling asleep, but I've been finding the music soothing. Plus, I think it's a cue to my brain to focus on an external sound...
  7. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I have one hearing aid that I use during the day. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't work as well since the tinnitus got so much louder. I haven't slept with it. I want to use something with which I can listen to soft music or binaural beats for sleeping, not for masking my...
  8. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I tried those, but they don't work with my CPAP headgear. I'm stuck with using speakers or, if I could find ones that fit comfortably for sleep, earbuds.
  9. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I'm not masking, just listening to very quiet almost-music designed to encourage a good night's sleep. Supposedly binaural beats work better with earbuds or headphones, but I've been okay with the pillow speakers. And it's supposed to be played pretty quietly. If I could find wireless earbuds...
  10. BuzzingBay

    Best Bluetooth Pillow Speakers for a Good Night's Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I've been using Sound Oasis pillow speakers pretty successfully lately, with a binaural beats sound designed for sleep. Since my long-time tinnitus has been really loud for the past few months, getting to sleep has been harder more often than not (although I can go back to sleep easily after I...
  11. BuzzingBay

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    @R. David Case: I'd love to try this, but I'd need to use small Bluetooth (wireless) earbuds, as I am also encumbered by CPAP headgear. Any suggestions would be welcome!
  12. BuzzingBay

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Has anyone heard/read anything about this?
  13. BuzzingBay

    Anybody Get Tinnitus Spikes from Yoga?

    I've definitely noticed that my tinnitus spikes when I do yoga. It also spikes when I do anything meditative. I'm pretty sure the increase in loudness is not due to my being otherwise more quiet and thus more aware of it. Stress also makes it spike, so these being such stressful times, maybe...