Recent content by Cal18

  1. Cal18

    Hough Ear Institute's Hair Cell Regeneration Project

    Have you thought of exosome injections into the ear? If you're in the US, this doctor will do them and also make house calls. I've received the exosomes but only as facial injections and intranasal. They don't help much for tinnitus but he has seen good improvement for some patients with...
  2. Cal18

    Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?

    I'm mot an expert in this area and I don't want to say anything that will influence anyone's decisions to take or not take certain medications. One thing you can take away from this is that you should never want to stimulate the 5HT2A receptor as it is implicated in cause or worsening of...
  3. Cal18

    Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?

    I'm only on 10 mg of Nortriptyline which is somewhat low - that helped the central pure tone "whistle" sounding tinnitus in the middle of my head but it did not seem to help the central "electrical" zzzz sound. But I am a low dose so I wouldn't say that's definitive answer on whether it helps...
  4. Cal18

    Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?

    Yes, it's more of a zzz electricity sound, not really a hum. When it starts to get lower on a medium day the "electrical stream" in the center of my head becomes less solid and starts to fizzle out.
  5. Cal18

    Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?

    Thanks for the info. I know it's easy to get hopeless but if it's gone in the past, there's no reason why it can't go again. Please do check back in with us soon and let us know how it's going. Also, you probably know this already, but even a switch over to another antidepressant can sometimes...
  6. Cal18

    Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?

    Mine somewhat started all at once but it fluctuates from being just in the ears to the head and the ears and alternates. Check out this related post, it might be helpful. My guess to all of this is that we all had some kind of "ear" tinnitus - noise induced or unknown and a recruitment takes...
  7. Cal18

    Electrical Head Buzzing Tinnitus — What Has Helped YOU?

    Please let us know which antidepressant you switch to. I would highly advise against Celexa. If you're going to take an SSRI, Sertraline has been the one better tolerated for tinnitus from what I've read. I'm on a low dose of Nortriptyline (10 mg) but that has not helped the head buzzing...
  8. Cal18

    Hyperacusis and Stem Cells?

    The stem cells didn't do much for the tinnitus (perhaps for the reactivity a little bit) but it had small permanent improvements for hyperacusis every time I did it.
  9. Cal18

    Hyperacusis and Stem Cells?

    I had IV stem cells. I usually notice the improvement after about 2 weeks or so - but as mentioned, it's minimal.
  10. Cal18

    Hyperacusis and Stem Cells?

    I'm not really sure how those were produced but I think they are all generally produced the same way for the most part. I have a tiny improvement in my hyperacusis as I get each time I either do this or stem cells. Tinnitus is slightly better but that fluctuates on its own so I'm not really...
  11. Cal18

    Hyperacusis and Stem Cells?

    Sure, it's Dr. Ed Park from Recharge Biomedical. He doesn't claim to "cure" anything but he's always willing try different treatments and methods. I've known him for almost 10 years (before I even had tinnitus). He's in the US in Costa Mesa, California but he also sometimes travels to NY...
  12. Cal18

    Hyperacusis and Stem Cells?

    I just got exosome injections behind my ears for better access to the facial nerve branch. I get sharp pains in these nerves every now and and then for the past few years since my ears were damaged so I'm hoping it will help the tinnitus & hyperacusis. Nothing to report yet as I literally just...
  13. Cal18

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    Exactly what I have going on. The electrical is impossible to mask because it seems like it's already in the auditory cortex before the ears sounds (or external sounds, music, etc.) make their way there. It also has a very reactive quality to it and worsens hyperacusis on those days. This...
  14. Cal18

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    Hi @Lurius. I already had the electrical quality but I feel like it made is slightly worse. I can't say permanently or not because I feel like electrical quality has been unpredictably going up and down over periods of time. I also felt like an unstable teenager (I like how you put it that way)...
  15. Cal18

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    I have had similar results, mine was prescribed as well. I feel like the electrical quality tinnitus (brain) felt worse. That is basically the one I'm trying to treat. The tonal isn't that bad and can be more easily be masked. I wish there was something specific to help this particular type of...