Recent content by caliazi

  1. caliazi

    Need a Little Virtual Hug Please! Boyfriend Got Me Tickets for Foo Fighters — And I Can't Go...

    @GlennS & @Red Hey guys, maybe I wasn't clear enough in my original post but don't worry I'm definitely not going, agree with it being totally off the table, No decision to be made I was just having a bit of a moan cause it was a really sweet gesture that I can't get the benefit of. I'm sure he...
  2. caliazi

    Need a Little Virtual Hug Please! Boyfriend Got Me Tickets for Foo Fighters — And I Can't Go...

    @New Guy I so appreciate your kind words! He is pretty wonderful. It is only a small thing in the grand scheme of things and I'm sure we'll still do plenty of great things, I'll shake of these blues soon. Thanks for the hug!
  3. caliazi

    Need a Little Virtual Hug Please! Boyfriend Got Me Tickets for Foo Fighters — And I Can't Go...

    Hey guys, I've been seeing a guy for 6 months, have known him longer though including when tinnitus onset occurred for me (around this time last year), so he knows the story with my tinnitus. He's helped me do a lot this year, initially I was afraid to even have one drink, but now I can enjoy a...
  4. caliazi

    Great Dentist Recommendation! Dublin/Kildare (Ireland) — Lynn Brophy in Lucan Dental Care

    Hi all, just wanted to share that I had a really great experience at the dentist recently after having been dreading it, so I wanted to let anyone looking for a good teeth cleaning in the Dublin/Kildare (Ireland) area that Lynn Brophy in Lucan Dental Care (she's their hygienist) is amazing, she...
  5. caliazi

    Dress for Son's Wedding

    Gorgeous! Love the blush pink colour, so flattering :love:
  6. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    Thought I'd just pop an update in here for any future readers: 2 months since my wax was cleared and there's been no particular improvement to tinnitus or ETD symptoms (have yet to have ETD officially diagnosed hence 'symptoms'). Good to have gotten rid of the wax to rule that out but looks like...
  7. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    Did your ETD subside after wax removal? If so, roughly how long? I'm wondering how long to wait to see if my symptoms subside before getting another ENT to check out what's going on.
  8. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    Update: Been using sodium bicarbonate drops for 3 days and GOODNESS a lot of wax came out. I was in Specsavers and asked could they quickly look at my ears and the audiologist there said I have a small bit of wax left at the bottom of the canal, what she reckons is a 'normal' amount, but after...
  9. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    @Agrajag364 Thanks for the message, I'm either inept or my PC isn't letting me reply to it directly, but I'll definitely look in to all the info you've given me! You've been super helpful :) @Tweaker Good to know it's regularly done in the UK, that gives me more hope that there is someone in...
  10. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    Thanks, that's what I'm trying to do, looks like there's not really any other options in Ireland except irrigation/suction so I guess I have to decide how long I want to continue just using drops for before I give up and get suctioned. Toss up between the worry that the wax might cause an...
  11. caliazi

    Ear Wax — If Manual Removal Is Not Possible, What to Do?

    @Fangen I'm so pleased to hear your T lowered back down after your removal! I'm in a hard position cause my T might/might not be caused by wax, different opinions from different doctors about it, so I don't know whether to get it removed or not. It's not causing any other issues except...
  12. caliazi

    Ear Wax — If Manual Removal Is Not Possible, What to Do?

    @Fangen how did you get on? x
  13. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    @Michael Leigh I appreciate I'm "likely" to not have any problems, however my anxiety means I'm not really a good case for this procedure as the last time I went in I physically couldn't stop trembling and my audiologist said he wouldn't be able to perform the procedure unless I could keep...
  14. caliazi

    Hangin' in there!

    Hangin' in there!
  15. caliazi

    Manual Earwax Removal in Ireland?

    Hi guys, I know there's tonnes of wax removal threads already but I'm specifically looking to see if anyone knows of any ENT's in Ireland that do "manual" style wax removal (instead of microsuction or irrigation). I've been contacting some directly myself and haven't had any luck, my...