Recent content by CallMeTC

  1. C

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    I would love to try this out as I do get different tones (mainly on my left side, sometimes very high pitch, high volume, sometimes lower pitch, lower volume - still new to T and learning my triggers, as much as they can be discovered with diet, exercise, supplements and journaling). However, I...
  2. C

    Tinnitus and Head / Neck / Jaw Position

    Strangely and accidentally, I seem to have discovered that my tinnitus can be lessened (volume and tone) or completely be abated (no discernible sound) for anywhere from a minute or more depending on the position of my head/neck/jaw. Would this seem to indicate a TMJ / muscular cause for...
  3. C

    Living with Tinnitus — My First 30 Days

    Strangely and accidentally, I seem to have discovered that my tinnitus can be lessened (volume and tone) or completely be abated (no discernible sound) for anywhere from a minute or more depending on the position of my head/neck/jaw. Would this seem to indicate a TMJ / muscular cause for...
  4. C


    Hi Rena, I know this thread may be a little old, but wanted to post the information I found on Hydroxyzine. Unfortunately, listed right in the description of side effects, tinnitus is called out and the drug is considered potentially ototoxic as a result. It does mention that it is a more rare...
  5. C

    Tinnitus Started a Few Days Ago, Incredibly Scared

    Although I am older, I can certainly understand your fear and anxiety regarding the sudden onset (and bewilderment about the cause). I have struggled for the last month with it while I await a doctor appointment with an audiologist myself. I have a lot of anxiety about the fact that this may...
  6. C

    Living with Tinnitus — My First 30 Days

    Hi everyone, I woke up about a month ago to a screeching sound in my ears (at first thinking that I was hearing something outside). As it continued and didn't relent over the next 12 hours, I came across various tinnitus sites/information/posts all over the internet (which is by itself is...