Recent content by Carr Lea

  1. C

    Controversial Topic: Can I Fully Mask Tinnitus During the Day?

    It is heart rendering, reading about the suffering that people are going through due to microsuction. I myself in 2015 saw a new private ENT consultant for a routine ear clean. This would always be carried out using a Jobson Horne probe, ear syringing and microsuction, had been stopped years...
  2. C

    Where Have All the Chatty Folk Gone...?

    Hi All, No one appears very chatty, it is hard with T & H because you don’t always feel like talking. However, it does help in connecting with people, who are suffering in the same way, and the support that we can give each other and gain from each other. We then know that we are not alone. But...
  3. C

    Where Have All the Chatty Folk Gone...?

    Hi MickSmith72. I am new to this chat room, and hoping to talk to others suffering from tinnitus and hyperacusis. I had tinnitus for many years, however it did not have a real impact on my life, I didn’t like it but I lived with it. I went to a new consultant of whom I was referred as my other...
  4. C

    Where Have All the Chatty Folk Gone...?

    Hi Jazzer I would like to chat when my tinnitus allows, that would be great...
  5. C

    Who Here Developed Tinnitus from an Acoustic Shock/Trauma?

    My ENT consultant was relocating of whom I saw for three years for routine cleans. Previous to then I had seen for many years a consultant until he retired. I never had any problems under his care. When I was under his care he stopped using microsuction without any explanation given. He then...